Welcome To lead is to serve. To serve is to lead.
235 Student Union
got soul? Students in Organizations Understanding Leadership Online leadership program For more info visit 235 Student Union or contact:
Monday, October 22 11am - 2pm Student Union Lobby Get Involved. Volunteer! Community Engagement Fair For more info: 235 Student Union
…why not apply to: Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities If you are an undergraduate student in your junior or senior year, If you have a grade average of 3.0 or higher, If you are involved in extracurricular activities, If you have been involved in service to our University and the community… Deadline for application is November 9, 2007 For more info contact the Center at or
Looking for a leadership experience that is self-paced…
… then consider enrolling in the STUDENT LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATE PROGRAM! / /
Track Your Volunteer Hours! 3 easy steps: 1. Visit: 2.Click: “Submit Your Hours” 3. Submit: Completed form For your Leadership Certificate
Light on your feet? Getting too much sleep? Enjoy raising money for a worthy cause?
Then join us for…
November 16 – 17, pm - 7am, Student Union Dance Marathon Raise $$$ for UNICEF Huge dance floor Music, music, music! FREE food & drinks FREE giveaways Themed hours Contests For more info: