Internet2 Update2 Brief History Internet2 project 1996 Formed University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development UCAID developed national backbone Abilene as the NSFNet funding declined for the vBNS. Internet2 peers with national and international research and educational networks. Over 180 institutions.
Internet2 Update3 System Administration - Affiliate member, SUNY’s at Albany, Buffalo, Binghamton and Stony Brook - Regular Members NYSERNet provides I2 in NYS –U of R, RIT, Cornell, Syracuse, RPI, Columbia, NYU, American Museum of NH, Rockefeller University, Polytechnic University - –gigaPoP in NYC - peers in NYC and Buffalo with Abilene and the +vBNS in NJ. Internet2 Connectivity in NYS
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5 Abilene National backbone established by UCAID Internet2 members connect through their gigaPoP or other peering location. October Sponsored Participation - Mechanism to allow non- I2 members to participate in Abilene Sponsored by and access through I2 participant campus None in NYS
Internet2 Update6 Abilene August 2000 UCAID changed the COU to include K-20 –early SEGP - Sponsored Education Group Participation State educational network connections to Internet2 through an Internet2 and Abilene participant March Missouri, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, Michigan agreed to connect their state education networks (K- 20), next in line are Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma and Rhode Island.
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8 Cost of Participation Primary Member - Internet2 - $20,000/year connect through gigaPoP. Sponsored Participant –No Internet2 cost Sponsored Education Group Participant –$30,000/year + $2,000/congressional representative Direct connection to Abilene - OC3-OC48 $110,000 -$430,000 (not through a gigaPoP)
Internet2 Update9 Other I2 Programs Middleware –Shibboleth-standards-based web access control to span institutional boundaries –eduPerson-Standard directory structure focusing on higher education –Certificate Program with CREN –HEPKI - Certificate policy to bridge HE with other communities certificate authorities
Internet2 Update10 Other I2 Programs EDUCOMMONS Project - use P2P technology in teaching and learning End-to-end Performance - E2E provide tools, support, capture Health Sciences Applications - HIPAA, WEDI, Visual Human, Security Arts and Humanities Distributed Storage Infrastructure
Internet2 Update11 Network Working Groups Quality of Service Measurement Multicast IPv6 Security WEB100
Internet2 Update12 I2 Commons Video conferencing services Video Portal Digital video services-streaming, interactive and on demand MCU Services Video support services, training, etc. Research Channel
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Internet2 Update14 Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers US Commerce Department International Internet management Issued 7 new Top Level Domains (TLD’s).info,.biz..museum,.pro,.name,.coop,.aero.info and.biz may be important to us.EDU goes to EDUCAUSE - Community Colleges will soon be eligible for.edu.com,.net,.org - Verisign formerly NSI
Internet2 Update15 Other Regulatory/Policy TEACH Act - Extends DMCA to distance education and fair use of digital works CIPA- Children’s Internet Protection Act of Requires filters on Internet access for those using e-rate and LSTA money HIPAA - Rules finalized and released Section 508 (ADA) - Standards released effective June 26, 20001