Roanoke County Public Schools Center for Engineering 2014
2 Goal for the Specialty Center The Center for Engineering will provide unique opportunities for highly motivated students wishing to pursue studies in the field of engineering.
3 Center of Engineering 4 Year Program starting in ninth grade Baseline requirement of completing Algebra I prior to entering the program, Geometry can be taken in summer school or at the home school during the ninth grade year along with Algebra II at the Center of Engineering Rigorous courses are provided to students who have specific interests and career goals in engineering Students are able to work closely with a cohort of like-minded peers
4 Features Rigorous/in-depth engineering curriculum Weighted credit* for classes beginning in the 10 th grade Can earn 21 dual-enrolled credits with VWCC Unique opportunities to work with professionals in the field during internship Real-world experiences and fieldtrips
5 Other Considerations… Home school membership Located at Burton Center for Arts and Technology Competitive and selective application process with testing in February that will be scheduled by the guidance department
6 Center for Engineering Rigorous curriculum and advanced studies leading to college credit Focus on both practical and theoretical aspects of engineering Integrated engineering, mathematics, and science coursework
7 Grade 9 Grade 10 Engineering Explorations IEngineering Analysis and Application II* Pre-AP Algebra IIIntegrated Pre-calculus* Grade 11Grade 12 Engineering Methods*Engineering Research* AP Calculus AB* Engineering Internship* Pre-AP Chemistry Engineering Economy* Integrated Physics* Engineering Design* AP Calculus BC* Director, Susheela Shanta
Learning for all…whatever it takes. For further information contact : Linda BowdenTaisha Steele Mathematics CoordinatorGuidance Coordinator x x10234 Jason SuhrOr contact your Principal, BCATschool guidance counselor Important Dates: January 5, 2015 – Applications available at Middle School Guidance Office January 21, 2015 – Applications due to Middle School Guidance Coordinator February 27, 2015 – Decisions regarding acceptance mailed to applicants Roanoke County Public Schools does not discriminate with regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or handicapping condition in an educational and/or employment policy or practice. Questions and/or complaints should be addressed to the Assistant Superintendent of Administration/Title IX Coordinator at (540) ext or the Associate Director of Pupil Personnel Services/504 Coordinator at (540) ext