10/21/ Ferns PARADISE AGM SEP 2009 PRESENTATION By Management committee
10/21/ Agenda 1.President’s Address 2.Annual Report 3.Adoption of Audited Accounts 4.Amendment of FP Bye-laws 5.Appointment of Auditors 6.BREAK (20 mins)
10/21/ Agenda (Contd..) 6.Financials 1.Proposed Budget FY Revised Maintenance Charges wef. FY Approval of Sinking Fund Scheme 4.FBD Receipts and Dues 5.Regularization of Expenditure exceeding Rs Outstanding Issues/concerns 8.Any other matters and close up.
ANNUAL REPORT – 2009 Major Achievements Security System NOC Procedure FP Club Rules FC Club Usage by FP Members Entry Road to FP & FC and St Lighting Environment Initiatives Upgraded Communication System Web Site Direct Mailing SMS Alert Yahoo Group Entertainment Landscaping 10/21/2015 4
5 Annual Report (Contd..) Financials Stream Lined and automated Settlement of Dues from FBD Significant Improvement in Collection
ADOPTION OF AUDITED ACCOUNTS Accounts of FY have been closed and have been audited Balanced Sheet, I & E Statements along with the Audit Report have been sent to all members It is now proposed for adoption.
10/21/ Amendments of FP Bye Laws House Construction Rules ( Ch 11) Club Rules ( Ch 12) Recurring Fee, Penalty Interest and Defaulters (Ch 2 sec 2) Audit & Elect Committee members : Min no. reduced to 2 and 3 resp. (Ch 6) Revision of Financial Powers of MC (Ch 10 Gen) Corrections of errors : address, Chapter Numbers etc.
Maintenance Fees Incentive Scheme The payment scheme : (proposed for onwards): Annual Fee is payable by all plot owners on 1 st April. A rebate of 5% if paid by 30 th April. Beyond 30 th June, a penal interest of 2% per month. Member’s name will be included in the defaulters list. The defaulters list published on 1 st July. Member name removed from the Defaulters List only on payment of all dues including arrears and interest. If dues not paid by 30th September, member will no longer be entitled for any facility/services provided by the Association such as Water Supply, Security, Garbage clearance etc. Defaulter cannot stand in elections, cannot vote or participate in AGM/EGMs. Defaulter will not be issued NOC for construction of house.
Annual Charge is payable by all plot owners on 1 st April. A rebate of 5% if paid by 30 th April. Beyond 30 th June, a penal interest of 2% per month charged. member’s name included in defaulters list. Defaulter for 3 years, loses membership of the Club. Membership can be restored on payment of a re-entry Charge of Rs.50, 000/- + current year Club House charge. Payment Scheme for Club Charges
Appointment of Auditors Mr. S. Rajagopalan had been appointed as the auditor for the FY at a remuneration of Rs
Ferns Paradise Financial Update and Budget for Managing Committee
Proposed Budget Layout Expenditure (Ph1) ( Ph1,2) (in Lacs) Security Electricity Salaries Site maintenance Office Admin & Misc FBD Bill for phase Sub-total Contingency02.00 Projects and Capex Grand Total
Proposed Budget Contd.. Planned Projects New Borewell: 1,50,000 Groundwater Recharge: 1,50,000 Motor and Motor room: 50,000 Storm water Drain mesh : 40,000 Landscaping and trees: 30,000 Benches for school kids: 20,000 Celebration expenses (AGM, 26 th Jan,15 th Aug): 40,000 Layout Map: 20,000 Total : 5,00,000
Proposal for Approval To move ahead with the proposed projects with amendments if any
Budget Contd.. Collections: Layout Maintenance Collections (in Lacs) – Phase Due/Actual Vacant: 9.65 / / 4.62 Built: / /10.64 Total: / /15.26 – Phase 2 Vacant:12.12 / / 0.80 Built:1.74 / /1.20 Total:13.86 / /2.01 Total Due/Actual Collections: /17.28 Projected Collections:24.00
Proposed Budget Contd.. Collections from FBD Maintenance Due(incl advances) Collected Advances0.61 Club House Due Actuals3.380 Balance from owners1.61 Total Collected from FBD : Rs Lacs (In Lacs)
Budget Summary for Collections Due: Estimated Collections: Water Charges: 5.00 Total Collections: Estimated Expenses: Projected Difference:(-)4.86 -For the current year the difference will be taken from previous surplus/arrears collected. -For , we propose to increase the Layout maintenance charges (In Lacs)
Proposal for Approval To move ahead with the proposed Budget with amendments if any
Revision of Layout Maintenance Charges To meet the Budget deficit Increase Maintenance charges by Re. 1 per sq ft for built and under construction plots Increase maintenance charges by 50 paise per sq ft for Vacant sites This will add Rs.9.0 lacs to the collections billed of which we expect 6.0 lacs to be collected
Proposal for Approval To move ahead with the revised maintenance charges with amendments if any
Sinking Fund Scheme Objective: Build Sinking Fund up to Rs.1.0 crore : Road Repairs, Wall, Bore wells Electrical Repairs, DG set for street lighting Repainting of Clubhouse etc
Sinking Fund Contd.. The actual surplus fund for Layout maintenance and the Clubhouse should be deposited into the Sinking Fund within 3 months of the FY beginning by the MC Sinking fund to be put in a multi Deposit in a Nationalized Bank Interest on sinking fund will be used for emergency expenditure fund Usage of any funds from Sinking fund will require AGM approval prior to expenditure.
Deposit to Sinking Fund Rs.10 lacs towards Layout Maintenance Rs.10 lacs towards clubhouse account These will be in FD accounts
Proposal for Approval To move ahead with the proposed creation of sinking fund with amendments if any
Club House Budgets Summary Total number of households: 238 Annual charges(owner/tenant) : 8000 /12000 Total collection Due: Lacs Actual collections: 9.85 Lacs Towards facility in FC(actual): 3.69 Lacs Projected Annual expenses: 6.14 Lacs for facility in FP Total expense: 9.83 Lacs Excess/shortfall: (+) 2,170
Club House Budget Contd.. Proposed Projects Music System :Rs Lacs Glass Roof for 1 st Floor open area:Rs.75,000 Total:Rs Lacs
Proposal for Approval Club House projects with amendments if any Club Subscription to remain same Projects funding will be from last year’s surplus and arrears collected
Regularization of Purchases Security SheltersRs 40,702 LadderRs 31,798 Office ComputerRs 28,000 UPS for GateRs 27,000 Extra SecurityRs 35,527
Basic Data of Layout Area Phase 1:7,84,705 sft Area Phase 2: 5,63,924 sft Total Area: 13,48,629 sft Vacant area/plots: 8,96,361 sft Built or under area/plots: 4,52,268 sft Present Rate (vacant) : Rs. 2.5 /sft Present Rate : Rs. 3.0 /sft (built/under-construction)
Comments on Budget Maintenance Surplus (includes): Receivables: 7.41 Capex (Assets): 1.46 Club Surplus includes:15.06 Receivables: 8.21 Capex: 0.24 In Lacs
10/21/ Outstanding Tasks and Concerns Work Pending with Registrar’s Office Water Management Formal Agreement with FBD on FP Club House Lay Out Maintenance Charges for some Plot owners in Ph 2 beyond FY Sakrama!!
10/21/ THANK YOU