Tracker Misalignment Study David Forrest University of Glasgow
Grid Element ● First (?) sizeable MICE Grid job exploiting Grid storage, processing and Ganga job submission ● Knowledge gained could filter into future analyses through tutorial at CM21... ● 80+ hr job on Laptop, 1-2hr on Grid ● Major outcome of misalignment study
Scope ● 4D emittance ● 10,000 events ● Stage 6, G4MICE tracker volume misaligned ● Independant seeds ● Good muons....(to apply) ● Decay off
Now ● Granularity 1000 events per cpu on grid ● Each sim stored separately on grid, fetched, reconstructed into 10,000 event run and analysed offline. Easily repeated. ● The files are sitting on the grid, done. I need to chain them together and then analyse.
Future Work ● Finish alignment part of alignment study. Plots for 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10 for +/-10mm in x and y, +/- 3mrad in y and +/- 10mm and 3mrad together for x and y ● Write up grid guide and/or tutorial for MICE (exploiting storage (co-ord with Malcolm/Henry), processing and ganga job submission software)