What Are You Going to After S6? I. McNair Aug 2012 S6 PSE Lesson
What Are You Going to After S6? Learning Intentions: To understand the importance of knowing what you are going to do after you leave school Objective: Formulate a plan to decide on how to achieve a positive destination
What Are You Going to After S6? What do you want to do this time next year? It may a seem a long way off but you need to start thinking about it now (if you haven’t already) In groups of about 6, briefly discuss what you are going to do when you leave school 5mins
What Are You Going to After S6? It is the governments aim to ensure that no young person is Not in: Education Employment Training NEET’s
What Are You Going to After S6? Around one in seven 16- to 18-year-olds in the UK are not in education, employment or training. The proportion of 16- to 18-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training in Scotland is somewhat higher than that in most of the rest of the United Kingdom.
What Are You Going to After S6? Shawlands Academy and Skills Development Scotland (the careers service) are duty bound to ensure that we do everything we can to ensure that you reach a positive destination
What Are You Going to After S6? What is a Positive destination? In Education In Employment In Training Not on, The Dole / Signing on, etc
What Are You Going to After S6? Aim High – Be Positive Don’t think what's the point “To reach a port, we must sail—Sail, not tie at anchor—Sail, not drift.” Franklin Roosevelt
What Are You Going to After S6? Have a back up plan! Uni and Colleges are being over subscribed with applications
What Are You Going to After S6? University Applicants: Consider having a choice that requires less qualifications Consider college courses also – it only costs time
What Are You Going to After S6? College Applicants : Consider courses that require easier entry requirements I.e. NC instead of HNC What about an Apprenticeship or a job?
What Are You Going to After S6? Job Seekers Apply for a an apprenticeship Apply for Jobs Do a college application
What Are You Going to After S6? Complete the form on leaver destinations Issued by PSE Tutor
What Are You Going to After S6? Tick all that may apply!!! We are not holding you to ransom over this.
What Are You Going to After S6? It helps Pastoral Care and Skills Development Scotland find you the right destination when you leave school
What Are You Going to After S6? “The sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity.” Victor Chasles
Homework Decide on what you want to do after S6 If your not sure See your Pastoral Care teacher and arrange an interview with Skills Development Scotland (Caroline Judah of SDS will be in schools on Wednesdays)