How do you Apply Pre-calculus to Mathematical Job
Dr. Ricardo Ramos He is my uncle, Ricardo (Richard) Ramos born and raised in Puerto Rico. He got both his masters and doctorate of Mechanical Engineering in the RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) in New York and is now an Engineering Professor at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez.
Newton’s Law Sum of forces is equal to zero to make sure the walls and pillars will hold the building together and it will not collapse on itself.
Matrices To determine the different forces being applied on a building and the forces being applied as gravity, the columns will sustain the building together.
Quadratic Formula To determine the Movement of a projectile and the trajectory of a plane or any other object. It should form a parabola on a graph.
Polynomial Factoring He uses this method to calculate which thermostat or air conditioner to use in a specific room’s area for an efficient cooling or heating system.