Chapter 9 Tests of Hypothesis Single Sample Tests The Middle Game – applications to the real world Chapter 9B
Recall? If Z1, Z2, ..., Zn are independent standard normal random variables, then chi-square distribution with n degrees freedom t-distribution with n degrees freedom F-distribution with n degrees freedom in the numerator and m degrees of freedom in the denominator
9-3 Tests on the Mean of a Normal Distribution, Variance Unknown One-Sample t-Test
9-3.1 Hypothesis Tests on the Mean Figure 9-9 The reference distribution for H0: = 0 with critical region for (a) H1: 0 , (b) H1: > 0, and (c) H1: < 0.
Tests on the mean - variance unknown Peter Perk is concerned about the amount of caffeine in his pop (soft drink). It appears that his midday soda is keeping him awake during the boring statistics lectures. The label on the can states that it contains only 20 mg of caffeine. Peter Perk doesn’t believe this. A random sample and testing of 25 cans of soda resulted in the following caffeine levels: Test at a 2 percent level of significance. H0: = 20 H1: > 20
The t-test One can of soda contains: About 10 teaspoons of sugar 150 calories 30-55 mg of caffeine Artificial food colors and sulphites
The Prob-Value H0: = 20 H1: > 20 conclusion: Peter should be able to sleep during the boring lectures.
Non-Central t Distribution – a Small Complication If the alternative hypothesis is true, the statistic T0 does not have a mean of zero. It has what is called the non-central t distribution. Many of the operations performed for the central t must now be done using numerical techniques, e.g. integrating the non-central t distribution. No sweat for us. The results we need are tabulated – we need the O.C. curves! estimated noncentrality parameter
Non-Central t Distribution – a Small Complication O.C. curves relate b, n, and d, where d=|m-m0|/s. and b is the Type II error probability. Since variance is unknown, estimate s – either from previous experiments where we measured s, or after the current measurement set is collected. Alternatively we can think of d as a certain number of standard deviations (if a relative measure is satisfactory).
O.C. Curves for t-test two-sided t-test with = .05
More on Peter Perk’s Pop If the actual caffeine level is 22 mg per can, what is the probability of not rejecting at the 5 percent level (i.e. the probability of a Type II error)? d = |22-20|/5 = .4 n = 25 Pr{do not reject| = 22} .5
9-4.1 Hypothesis Test on the Variance
9-4.1 Hypothesis Test on the Variance
More on Variance Tests
Much more on Variance Tests
A Variance Test Example Professor Vera Vance asserts that the variability of the IQ’s among the Engineering Management (ENM) students is significantly less than for the population at large. It is well know that the distribution of IQ’s is normal with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Thirty ENM students were forced to take an exhaustive IQ test in which the sample standard deviation was computed to be 12.78. Professor Vance is willing to test her assertion at the 10 percent level.
Add a little variance to your life H0: 2 = 152 H1: 2 < 152 Professor Vera Vance lecturing the students on their excessive variability.
Prob-value and so much more… 9-4.2 Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size: Operating characteristic curves are provided in Charts VIIi through VIIn
O.C. Curves for Variance
More sugar? Problem 9-75 milligrams2
Problem 9-75 P-Value
Problem 9-75 Confidence Interval
Problem 9-75 Assume 2 = 40 what sample size to detect difference with prob = .9? This is the O.C. graphic for alpha = .01
9-5.1 Large-Sample Tests on a Proportion Many engineering decision problems include hypothesis testing about p. An appropriate test statistic is
9-5 Tests on a Population Proportion Another form of the test statistic Z0 is or the sample proportion
Test on a Proportion - Example A cable news commentator has asserted that more than half the population believe that the United States should not have taken military action against Iraq. Test this assertion at the 5 percent level. CBS News Poll. Sept. 14-16, 2007. N=706 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4 (for all adults). "Looking back, do you think the United States did the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, or should the U.S. have stayed out?" Right Thing Stayed Out Unsure % 9/14-16/07 39 53 8
An Example Continued H0: p .5 H1: p > .5 = .05
9-5.2 Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size For a two-sided alternative where p is the true value If the alternative is p < p0 If the alternative is p > p0
Type II Error H0: p .5 H1: p > .5 = .05
9-5.3 Type II Error and Choice of Sample Size For a two-sided alternative For a one-sided alternative
Sample Size Calculations H0: p .5 H1: p > .5 = .01, =.05 when p = .55
Goodness-of-fit (GOF) Tests Testing for the distribution of the underlying population
9-7 The Chi-Square GOF Test Assume there is a sample of size n from a population whose probability distribution is unknown. Let Oi be the observed frequency in the ith class interval. Let Ei be the expected frequency in the ith class interval. The test statistic is chi-square with df = k – p – 1 where p = number of estimated parameters
Example 9-12
More of Example 9-12
Much More of Example 9-12
Still Example 9-12
Yes, Example 9-12
The last of Example 9-12
How to do it with two samples! Next Week – Chapter 10 How to do it with two samples!