A Milestone for Habitat for Humanity in 2005
1993 – A beginning!
House #1
House #2
House #3
House #4
House #5
House #6
House #7
House #8
House #9 Groundbreaking during a May rainstorm! Construction began at the end of June And continued on following Saturdays
House #9
Habitat Builds Friendships
Habitat for Humanity Int’l. Around The World
Hub Area Habitat for Humanity What Is HFHI International and Local History How It Works Our Partners What Is Needed
What Is Habitat for Humanity International Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. HFHI seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. Habitat invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need.
HFH International History Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller in Americus, Georgia. Concept was born at Koinonia Farm with homes built starting in Jimmy Carter became involved in 1984 with the Jimmy Carter Work Project.
HFH International History Today more than 200,000 houses have been built, sheltering more than 1,000,000 people in more than 3,000 communities worldwide. 2,100 active affiliates in 100 countries, including all 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico.
Hub Area History Incorporated in 1993 Ninth house completed in early 2006 –One house is located on N. Penn –All others are located on or near Ward Drive Dr. Dick Ward was the first executive director followed by Peter Kirkpatrick, Judy Vrchota, Scott Layman, and Maureen Nikolas.
How It Works Hub Area HFH builds modest-sized houses with a low monthly payment on a no-profit, no interest loan. Family selection is application-based and uses need, ability to repay, and a willingness to partner with Habitat.
How It Works (cont’d.) Income within the following guide: Family Size Gross Annual Income One$19,150 Two$21,900 Three$24,000 Four$27,350 Five$29,550 Six$31,750 Seven$30,800 Eight$32,800
How It Works (cont’d.) Demonstrate the ability to meet financial responsibilities. –Mortgage –Taxes –Insurance –Maintenance –Utilities –Employment –Existing debt
How It Works (cont’d.) Partner with Hub Area Habitat for Humanity. –300 hours of ‘sweat equity’
Results for the Home Owner HAHFH Program Conventional Loan at 7% $184Mortgage Payment$ Estimated Property Taxes135 35Estimated Insurance35 $354Monthly Total$735 TYPICAL HOUSE PAYMENTS: $55,000 HAHFH house appraised at $80,000; Home Owner Loan program after a $700 Down Payment. Monthly savings of $381!
Ward Drive Development In the beginning, HAHFH had difficulty finding suitable lots for home building. Consequently HAHFH decided to purchase and develop land for Habitat homes. After the North Penn home, HAHFH secured financing, purchased, and developed 15 lots on Ward Drive. Cost was $140,000. Eight lots have Habitat homes, and two, Governor’s Houses.
In summary, Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit housing ministry based on Christian principles. It welcomes those of any faith – or no faith – to join in the work of eliminating poverty housing from the face of the earth.
A Key and A Partnership
Our Local Partners Campbell’s Town & CountryJohnston Agency UBCBrewer Construction Haar PlumbingThrivent Financial Dale Jensen’s Plumbing & Heating Dahme Construction Wells Fargo FinancialLien’s Construction K-MartKen’s Super Fair Foods
Our Local Partners Pizza RanchMcDonald’s Culver’sSalvation Army Wendy’sPapa John’s Cor-Trust Bank1 st State Bank Brick PropaneCarl & Cheryl Perry Progressive Financial Finishing Touch Design Studio Evergreen Supply
Our Local Partners Ernest HassingerEide Bailly Horton Inc.Glen & Mary Jensen American Legion Auxiliary Conde Cendant Corp. Aberdeen Chrysler CenterAberdeen Home Builders Association
Some National Partners
What Is Needed Many people in the area are saying what the people in this video are saying!
Mary’s House