Trigger Upgrades to the PHENIX Muon Arms Mickey Chiu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for the Forward Upgrade Group
Parity violating single-spin asymmetries at RHIC provide direct access to the quark flavor structure of the proton spin: Quark Flavor Structure Measurement at RHIC Polarised PDF Asymmetry Analysis Collaboration M. Hirai, S. Kumano and N. Saito, PRD (2004) forward rapidities, X a >>X b, X b >>X a AW dx dx L b b () () ( )
RHICBOS predicted Sensitivity at RHIC PHENIX central arm: |η|<0.35, ∆ = electron Muon arm: 1.2<|η|<2.4, ∆ =2 muon Nuclear Physics B666(2003)31-55 GS-A,B GRSV valence
Spin Average Sea Quark Asymmetry pQCD implies that u(x)~d(x) Non-perturbative processes seem to be needed in generating the sea W + /W - measures sea asymmetry
Requirements for W Analysis Ability to Trigger within DAQ Bandwidth Assign Track to Right Crossing (timing) Reasonable Momentum Resolution / Correct Sign Determination How to identify muons from W? Phenix muon arm BLUE = 600 μm RED = 300 μm BLACK = 150 μm
expected rates in the future 500GeV run is 12MHz, i.e. ~16KHz w/o shielding and 50KHz w/ perfect shielding for single deep muon trigger. PHENIX bandwidth: 12KHz (or 24 kHz with additional $2M) W sample is about 10 4 for the 800pb -1 luminosity. (can’t be pre-scaled!) need additional rejection of depending on the beam background trigger rate, i.e. target RF: 10 4 Why do We need to Upgrade Muon Trigger uIDLL1 rejection factor from simulation at sqrt(500)GeV, i.e. perfect shielding is ~500 uIDLL1 rejection factor from RUN3 p- p data is ~250 w/o shielding Wei Xie
Backgrounds to the W Measurement Charged hadron through absorber Major background from the pion punch through and Z0 decay. Measurement: pT>20GeV/c Still to Consider: Charged hadron rejection through absorber ~100 More rejection from the shower profile on the tube. More rejection from isolation cut: ~5 Total rejection: ~ Cosmic Background 2.Punch Through and Decays low p hadrons look like high p Trigger Cut
-- ++ Sagitta<= 1 strip Sagitta< =2 strips Sagitta< =3 strips Rej Result from Kazuya Aoki A birds eye view Trigger Option I: MuTr FEE Upgrade Solution efficiency Sagitta<=1 strip Sagitta<=2 strips Sagitta<=3 strips Enough rejection power with good efficiency for high pT muons Timing Resolution ~ 100 ns?
MuTr FEE R&D in Kyoto December 10, 2004 Naohito Saito Kyoto / RBRC / RIKEN
Major changes in our strategy In the meeting at LANL, splitting signal with transformer is suggested. –Advantages: Current FEE stays in No need of heavy commissioning Minimal cost for the installation –Concerns Space Transformer in high field??? –Shield with multi-layer shielding metal (suggested by T. Wise) –Air-core is tried : works, but space?? How pulse shape would be deformed? Decided to work-out transformer option with ASD option as a fall-back position
MuTr FEE – proposed modification MuTr Cathode AMU ADC DCM GL1 BBCLL1 MuIDLL1 CPA (3 mV/fC) ~1usec FPGA (MuTrLL1) PA Discri 0.8mV/fc ~80nsec Hit pattern Analog out shaper MA Modified ATLAS ASD additional gain x 8
ASD Chip Test Board (ver 1) Signal from Chamber Analog OutputDigital Output (LVDS) 8Chips on board 4Channels / Chip Analog out Gain 0.8mV/fC Integration Time 80nsec LVDS Digital out
Signal 200nsec/div Analog out 5mV/div Digital out LVDS
Read Out Schematic HV 1900V Gas mixture Ar:CO 2 :CF 4 =50%:30%: 20% Oscilloscope Termination 10Kohm Transformer is handmade : Air-core –Similar with Ferrite core V main & V sub have the same pulse shape
Get Digital Signal We could get the Digital Output Without Distortion of Main Line Signal ASD Analog Output (Signal of Sub Line) ASD Digital Output 1V/div Main Line Signal 5mV/div Time Scale 1usec/div
Effect of Noise Sub Line Signal is easily affected by Main Line Noise Perfect!! Noise of Main Line Causes Fake Trigger
Test stand with VDCs in Kyoto VDC Muon Tracker Cosmic Ray VDC VDCs to provide space points at MuTr Chamber Position dependence of cathode signal will be studied if successful, position resolution will be studied
Muon road ID ( )=angle I – angle II: momentum cut Trigger Option II: pad chamber solution
deg <0.7<1.0<2.0 rejection deg <0.7<1.0<2.0 rejection deg <0.7<1.0<2.0 rejection million sqrt(s)=500GeV minimum-bias, full PISA simulation
Segmentation distance between two closet hits as a function of r at 95% probability NorthSouth Chun Zhang For Trigger, Need ~ 1 phi segmentation, and very little theta segmentation Possibility that we might be able to improve pattern recognition in Heavy Ion Collisions simultaneously Final Segmentation (8640 channels/plane) adds ~ $300K in electronics cost Smaller Pads at inner radius e.g., for RPC1, inner pad is 2 cm and outermost pad is 9 cm 360 ( ) X 24 ( )
Forward Muon Trigger Upgrade Idea RPCs (3d space points) for Momentum at Trigger Level Instrument MuTr cathodes with trigger electronics (Kyoto) = MUID-Road & ∆Φ| RPC & p>p cut
$2 Million NSF MRI Proposal Development of a Fast Muon Trigger to Study the Quark-Gluon Structure of the Proton
University of Colorado Frank Ellinghaus, Ed Kinney, Jamie Nagle, Joseph Seele, Matt Wysocki University of California at Riverside Ken Barish, Stefan Bathe, Tim Hester, Astrid Morreale, Richard Seto, Alexander Solin University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Mickey Chiu, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, Hiro Hiejima, Naomi Makins, Jen-Chieh Peng, Ralf Seidl, Chris Prokop, John Koster, Aaron Veicht Iowa State University John Lajoie, John Hill, Gary Sleege Kyoto University Kazuya Aoki, Ken-ichi Imai, Naohito Saito, Kohei Shoji Columbia University Cheng Yi Chi, William ZajcRBRC Gerry Bunce, Wei Xie Abilene Christian University Rusty Towell, Larry Isenhower Peking University Yajun Mao, Ran Han, Hongxue Ye, Hongtao Liu Current collaborators on W-project
The chamber structure: Gap: 2 mm; HV electrodes : 100 m graphite Gas pressure : ~ 1 Atm Gas mixture: ~ 95% F134a, ~ 4.5% Iso- Butane, 0.5%SF 6 ; bakelite resistivity cm 2-3kHz/cm 2 in avalanche mode! Single Gap RPCs (CMS style design) Pick-up cathodes and FEE
Avalanche: The electric field is such that the electron energy is larger than the ionising potential Basics of Resistive Plate Chamber: working mode The separation avalanche-streamer decreases with increasing HV. CMS-RPC will work at avalanche mode, to ensure the proper operation at very high rate. RPC has been used in L3, ARGO-YBJ,Belle, BaBar experiments. all 4 LHC experiments will use RPC for muon system. From Yong Ban
Cost + Schedule 2005 First Prototype Test in Run05 Beam 2006 Full scale prototype plus electronics Winter 2006 Test of Full scale prototype in Run Production of all planes and electronics Summer 2007 Installation in South Muon Arm RPC Trigger Winter 2007 Commissioning of South RPC Trigger in Run08 Summer 2008 Installation of North Muon Arm RPC Trigger Winter 2008 Commissioning of North RPC Trigger in Run09 Run09 High Luminosity s = 500 GeV p+p Run
PHENIX Forwarding Upgrade Meeting Nov. 8, 2004 The Structure of Prototype Yajun Mao, Ran Han, PKU
PHENIX Forwarding Upgrade Meeting Nov. 8, 2004 Top View of A Single Chamber Material: 2mm bakelite ( 2~3 × ), pressed with melamine foil; Size: 43cm×43cm × 0.6cm Graphite coat: 40cm × 40cm, resistivity ~130 k / 95% R134A, 5% iC4H10 Gas Flow rate: 1 ml/min Gas leakage rate: 2mm/30m drop at 30cm water higher pressure (tested at both with positive and negative pressure) spacers Yajun Mao, Ran Han, PKU
PHENIX Forwarding Upgrade Meeting Nov. 8, 2004 A Real View of 2 chambers Picture of 2 chambers Gas connector HV Yajun Mao, Ran Han, PKU
PHENIX Forwarding Upgrade Meeting Nov. 8, 2004 The Read-Out Strips ground 50 Ohm ground signal cables Yajun Mao, Ran Han, PKU
PHENIX Forwarding Upgrade Meeting Nov. 8, 2004 Chamber Support/Container Al honeycomb panel, both surfaces are coated with 0.5mm Al foil, with 16mm × 16mm Al bars Yajun Mao, Ran Han, PKU
Chamber Support/Container Yajun Mao, Ran Han, PKU
Time Distribution of Background Clock Forward Forward&BBCLL1 Forward&MUIDS_1D Gap from -50 to -10 ns is due to limited size of NTC TDC Window Late Hits in BBCLL1 events relative to MUIDS_1D is because the MUIDS_1D comes mostly from muons, while BBCLL1 has lots of hadronic backgrounds Evidence for this in ADC Spectrum (in following slides) Means Forward&MUIDS_1D selects (probably) muon tracks that go through Muon Arm and hits the forward paddles ? (for paddle coincidences) SC1 SC2 Shielding Top View Run04 Config 12
RPC Locations RPC1 RPC2 SC1 SC2 Shielding Top View Tunnel View Run04 Scintillator
Time Distributions RPC1 RPC2 Scint Time Dist by Channel, Run Time Dist by Detector Run and , triggered on RPC1|RPC2|SC1|SC2 Few noisy channels, on edges of RPC1 Thresholds raised to get above noise, but will lose efficiency RPC1 has separate copper grounds sheets for ease of R&D, get fringe effects Much less Incoming Background seen than last year Worse for RPC1, in IR, and run dependent Location of RPCs further from beam pipe, better beam control? RPC and Scintillator Response ~ Same, after accounting for acceptance difference of detectors Time Dist by Channel, Run RPC1 Sc 40 ns 60 ns
RPC Scaler Rates Scaler rates highly correlated between BBC, MUID, and RPC triggers RPCor doesn’t see any runs with large amounts of background rates Total RPC1&RPC2 Triggers = 1.3e6 events ~10 5 muon tracks per strip, assuming muons trigger RPC1&RPC2
Muon RPC Bkg Test Response to real background looks like it will be good enough But, we would like to see more background! In principle, RPCs should be 10X less sensitive to neutrons Different Special Conditions to take RPC data Polarization Measurement Vernier Scan Collimation? Would like to consult with Angelika to see if measurement of background is interesting to collider physicists. Formal request will be put in to PC and RC soon… Getting a prototype also allowed us to gain valuable experience with RPC technology… The beginnings of our R&D program
Time Resolution Ahn et al, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol 41, No 5, 2002, p We should be able to get time resolution by looking at Scintillator and RPC coincidences Getting ~1-2 ns resolution Have to fit 2 gaussians in delta-t Sc1-Sc2 Sc1-RPC2
Efficiency CMS gets ~99% efficiency, compared to 90% from Cosmic Ray Studies with RPC Prototype RPC Sc1 Sc2
Position Resolution From RPC1&&RPC2 triggers, we should be able to get some muon tracks and determine position resolution (and also efficiency and time resolution) Good Statistics (~100000/strip)
Future Tasks Decision on NSF MRI Proposal expected in June We can press forward with planning until we find out whether we get the money or not Many Detector R&D Tasks Effects of different gas combinations, humidity, etc… Reducing Streamer Rate, reducing noise Getting position resolutions to the ~ 0.5 centimeter level Double check timing resolution Improving efficiency (currently ~ 90% with TOF.W gas) Checking aging effects Checking rate effects (beam test?) Designing and Testing Readout Board and FEMs and Trigger Colorado has already started to feel out what is necessary for this Want to organize the next wave of R&D One RPC to Illinois, one to Colorado at the end of the run. Illinois and Colorado to study detector issues, Design and build next generation of the prototype (at PKU) Full size, resolve current issues, use final materials Electronics: Colorado, Nevis, Riverside, IA State ACU has students for summer – trigger simulation (with X. Wei) GA State has material for another RPC prototype (italian bakelite)
CMS PreAmp ASIC TDC ~(5-10ns or Gated ) Timing Cut Large Pad Trigger: Road Slice trigger L1 Data Buffer DCM L1 Trigger Possible Way to READOUT RPC (from Chi) FPGA RPC Cathode UCR/Colorado/Nevis (IA State)
Summary The W-boson measurement is extremely nice and important By far the cleanest measurement of sea quark contribution to spin Japanese originally joined PHENIX partly to be able to do this measurement The W Boson Trigger has gone through a long twisted path Cerenkov Detector, Hodoscopes, Wire Pad Chambers Have finally settled on RPC and MuTr FEE Upgrade Progress is being made at Kyoto on the MuTr FEE Upgrade, in parallel with RPC NSF-MRI submitted for RPC upgrade Decision expected this month If NSF funds a RHIC upgrade, it’s between HBD, RPC, and STAR FMS Final Design not yet Complete for RPC This is the time to let us know of any input you might have for the design Improvements in Pattern Recognition More Sophisticated Triggering Upsilon in Au+Au? R&D Progressing Nicely
Backup Slides
Inclusive charge hadron spectrum (PYTHIA and UA1)
Beam test results of Chinese RPC prototype Conclusion: The Chinese RPC prototype has good mechanical strength,gas-tightness and HV performances; The efficiency and time resolution are satisfactory; The efficiency at very high irradiation is limited due to the high resistivity of the bakelite. The PKU-RPC group accumulated experience and technical know-how of RPC. From Yong Ban
Background Study in Run04 p+p Using Paddles * 1 Bkg Scint. (9”x12”) 33” 23.5” MuID Hole Beam Pipe 2 Beam View Side View, South Arm fan in/fan out 62ns Delay NTC FEM 10 cm 31 ns * Commissioned by Xie Wei and Hiro Heijima Paddle Locations
Scaled RPC Trigger Counts Total Scaled Counts so far: bbc e+09 muid e+07 rpcand e+06 rpcor
PHENIX forward upgrade deg <0.7<1.0<2.0 rejection Achieved enough trigger rejection increase of pion rejection via isolation cut possible background rejection via reconstructing W transverse mass. possible improve of momentum resolution with well defined determined vertex. RPC LL1 trigger (NSF proposal) MuTr LL1 trigger (Funding in Japan) µ
Simulation Efforts Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, RBRC and UIUC Nosecone calorimeter trigger: Kelly Corriea: Topology based trigger Cerenkov trigger: Jennifer Hom: cerenkov detector + uIDLL1 Lookup table Trigger: Hal Haggard: scintillator hodoscope solutions Greg Ver Steeg: hodoscope solution*muID Tracking trigger: Kazuya Aoki and Wei Xie: Various tracking solution matching muID roads, studies from data Beam Related Background: Vasily Dzhordzhadze: Mars based beam background simulations (ongoing) (details see:
R&D and test data Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, RBRC and UIUC Evaluation of muID LL1 Wei Xie, Ken Barish: using run 03 data (UCR) Background Hiroki Sato: run 02 (Kyoto) Ken Read, Vasily Dzhordzahdze, Vince Cianciolo: run 03, run04 (UT, ORNL) Wei Xie, Hiro Hiejima, MGP (RBRC, UIUC) Cherenkov Kazuya Aoki, Naohito Saito, Atsushi Taketani: run 03 (Kyoto, RIKEN) Nosecone Mikhail Merkin, Edward Kistenev, Richard Seto, Gianluigi Sampa (MSU, BNL, UCR, INFN Trieste) MuTr Kazuya Aoki, Hiroki Sato, Naohito Saito, Doug Fields (Kyoto, UNM) RLT/RPC Hiro Hiejima, Alex Linden Levy, Cody McCain, Jen-Chieh Peng, Joshua Rubin, Wei Xie, Matthias Grosse Perdekamp (UIUC, RBRC)
R1 Real Estate
New PHENIX Experiment Specific Shielding – (final configuration in progress) Typical Background iron 4’ thick, 10.5' tall Plan View Elevation View Blue beam Yellow beam MuID Beam Background simulations Vasily Dzhordzhadze
-- ++ p ++ -- e+e+ e-e- n Particles reached MuID Gap 5 absorber 10K 100 GeV protons incident on Q03 Integrated overall Energies