1 What is the cutting down all trees in an area? 2. What is cutting a pit in the surface? 3. What is the stripping the surface of the land? 4. What is the moving of sediments? 5. What do plant roots prevent?
1, What is soil conservation? 2, What methods prevent soil erosion? 3. What is a cover crop? 4. What is crop rotation? 5. What is contour plowing? 6. What is terracing? 7. What is windbreak?
1. What boundary do plates move apart? 2. What boundary do plates come together? 3. What boundary do plates slide past one another? 4. What boundary does a fault form at? 5. What boundary does a trench or a volcanic arch for at?
1. What is soil conservation?
2. Methods to prevent soil erosion- cover crop, crop rotation, contour plowing, terracing, and windbreak.
3. Cover Crop-a crop that is planted in between harvests to reduce erosion and replace nutrients ex soybean and clover
4. Crop Rotation-change crops from year to year so that nutrients do not get depleted
5. Contour plowing-rows in a field are plowed in curves instead of straight lines.
6. Terracing-one steep field is changed into a series of smaller fields.
7. Windbreak-planting trees around a field to prevent wind erosion.