Democracy In California “All legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by a majority vote.” Dr. George Lakoff
Ellis Goldberg President & webmaster TriValley Democratic Club –Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore Delegate 15 th AD Associate Member Contra Central Committee –Issues Committee –Committee for Democracy In California Troublemaker
Majority rule = democracy = 50%+1 In grade school we elect the class president by majority rule; it is the basis of democracy. Majority rule is more democratic than minority rule.
Minority rule = tyranny = protection of loopholes & freeloaders = 33.3%+1 veto The current 2/3 requirement allows a 1/3 plus 1 minority of extreme legislators to sabotage the state budget and hold the state hostage in order to extort concessions from the majority, resulting in budget cuts passed down to local governments throughout the state. Extortions include off shore oil drilling concessions & not collecting revenue on wine exported from California.
Government that fails to empower and protect citizens = dysfunctional state The California State Legislature and government at all levels have responsibilities, to empower and protect its citizens. Empowerment means education, infrastructure, buildings, and highways. Protection means health, safety, police, fire and consumer protection. The legislature determines how and whether these responsibilities are met through providing revenues and a budget. Revenue is needed for government to do its job. Revenue is economic air. California is being slowly suffocated and prevented from protecting & empowering Californians by a minority of legislators protecting loopholes for freeloaders.
Fair revenue in a wealthy state – revenue lost to loopholes & freeloaders = extreme budget cuts + lost pay for state workers California is the only dysfunctional state that stumbles from one fiscal to the next on a regular basis. California is wealthy. Why don’t we have the money to run the state? Loopholes used by freeloaders to circumvent paying a fair share.
Minority rule/veto loophole = all the loopholes minority rule prevents from closing The biggest loophole is the minority veto that 1/3 plus one of the legislators use to protect those taking advantage of the loopholes from being required to pay a fair share.
Loopholes Not paying to extract California oil as in all the other oil producing states. Loss carry-backs: allows corporations to get refunds for taxes already paid to the state when the business takes a loss 2 years later. If the state’s economy declines and corporations take a loss, they will be able to get a refund for prior taxes just when the state is in worst shape.
Loopholes Elective single sales factor: allows multi-state and multi-national corporations to choose how much income they want to attribute to California. Companies can choose every year which formula they want to use—sales only, or sales, property and payroll—in order to determine the amount of profit they made in California. So they can attribute more losses or less income, depending on their yearly position, to their advantage and the detriment of the state. Credit-sharing: allows a corporation which cannot use all the credits they have received to share those credits with parent or affiliated corporations in order to shelter the income of the affiliate. Multinational pharmaceutical companies are likely to benefit most from this.
More loopholes Elective single sales factor, Credit-sharing & Loss carry- backs were never discussed and never made public until they were passed as part of the budget agreements in September 08 and February 09. Taken together, they lose $2-2.5 billion in revenue. They also open up opportunities for endless manipulation of tax liabilities by accountants and attorneys.
Minority ruled California = only fiscally dysfunctional state in the US Two other states have a minority rule situations but they don’t experience California’s dysfunctions. In California freeloaders find that supporting legislation and electing legislators to protect freeloader loopholes is much less costly than what would happen if the loopholes closed.
Budget control alone = a workable solution Marketing guru Tom Peters says "under promise and over deliver" keeps customers satisfied. If a “majority for budget only proposition” passes; the voters (customers) will expect an end to the fiscal gridlock from the Democrats since this is what the Democrats asked for. However without “majority rule for revenue” the Democrats can't deliver California from gridlock. "Over promise and under deliver" is the formula for disaster for Democrats.
Suggested Timeline for a Ballot Initiative September 25, submit measure to the Attorney General. November 17, begin circulation of the petition April 16, Last day to file the petition April 28, Last day for elections officials to complete raw count May 7, Last day for SOS to receive raw count total June 21, Last day for elections officials to verify & certify results June 24, SOS determines if 100% signature verification is necessary. At this point, if a 100% signature verification is necessary, it would not qualify for the November 2, 2010 ballot. Source initiative-deadlines.pdf Another analysis says the submission to the Attorney General should be at a minimum 371 days before the election. That puts the drop-dead date for submission on October initiative-deadlines.pdf
Who will support the campaign? Unions State worker furloughed 3 days/month Environmental groups Those hurt by the cuts –Friends –Family Parents, students The empathetic, responsible & courageous –Is that you?
What YOU can do now! Speakers Bureau –Find speakers who will be trained to make presentations to various sympathetic groups to enlist aid in getting 700,000 verified signatures. Target 1 million –Find those sympathetic groups and the names of people to contact in order to arrange to have a speaker meet with them.
HELP US RAISE $35,000 TO GET GEORGE LAKOFF'S MESSAGE OUT! The Democracy in California & CA Majority Rule campaign are dedicated to making this happen. This is your chance to change California history! In order to run an effective campaign, we first need to conduct a public opinion poll to aid in our message strategy. George Lakoff has drafted questions and we are in the process of hiring a reputable polling company. We need to raise money to conduct this unique poll.
You = Game Changer Take action! SIGN UP at Facebook group Democracy In California Visit for information on the progress of the initiative
Please consider: Majority rule = democracy = 50%+1 In grade school we elect the class president by majority rule; it is the basis of democracy. Majority rule is more democratic than minority rule. Minority rule = tyranny = protection of loopholes & freeloaders = 33.3%+1 veto The current 2/3 requirement allows a 1/3 plus 1 minority of extreme legislators to sabotage the state budget and hold the state hostage in order to extort concessions from the majority, resulting in budget cuts passed down to local governments throughout the state. Extortions include off shore oil drilling concessions. Government that fails to empower and protect citizens = dysfunctional state The California State Legislature and government at all levels have responsibilities, to empower and protect its citizens. Empowerment means education, infrastructure, buildings, and highways. Protection means health, safety, police, fire and consumer protection. The legislature determines how and whether these responsibilities are met through providing revenues and a budget. Revenue is needed for government to do its job. Revenue is economic air and California is being slowly suffocated and is prevented from protecting and empowering Californians by a minority of legislators protecting loopholes for freeloaders. Fair revenue in a wealthy state – revenue lost to loopholes & freeloaders = extreme budget cuts & lost pay for state workers California is the only dysfunctional state that faces fiscal crisis on a regular basis. California is also wealthy, so why don’t we have the money to run the state? The answer is loopholes used by freeloaders to circumvent paying a fair Minority rule loophole = all the loopholes minority rule prevents from closing The biggest loophole is the minority veto that 1/3 plus one of the legislature uses to protect those taking advantage of the loopholes from being required to pay a fair share. Loopholes include not paying to extract California oil as in all the other oil producing states. Minority ruled California = only fiscally dysfunctional state in the US Two other states have a minority rule situations but they don’t experience California’s dysfunctions. Freeloaders find that supporting legislation and electing legislators to protect freeloader loopholes is much less costly than what would happen if the loopholes closed. Budget control alone =/= a good solution Marketing guru Tom Peters says "under promise and over deliver" it keeps customers satisfied. If a “majority for budget only proposition” passes the voters (customers) will expect an end to the fiscal gridlock from the Democrats since this is what the Democrats asked for. However without “majority rule for revenue” the Democrats can't deliver California from gridlock. "Over promise and under deliver" is the formula for disaster for Democrats. You = Game Changer Sign up at Visit for information on the progress of the initiative. Join our Facebook group Democracy In California. Once the petition is qualified 700,000 verifiable voter signatures will be needed. A statewide educational effort is required to take the message to the voters. You can take part in this game changing effort. We took back our country last year; it’s time to return democracy to California. With your help fiscally dysfunctional California can pass a ballot measure authored by Dr. George Lakoff that says, ”All legislative actions on revenue and budget must be determined by a majority vote.”
The issue in the 2010 election will be majority versus minority rule! Return Democracy to California With Majority Rule End Minority Rule And Budget Gridlock Protect & Empower Californians Through Fiscal Responsibility We must end the tyranny of the minority! Right now a conservative legislative minority of 1/3 plus 1 is ruling California. The 2/3 requirement for revenue or budget means that a minority can stop sane state fiscal management. Whether it is 2/3, 60%, or 55%, they all mean minority rule – rule by 1/3 plus 1, 40% plus 1 or 45% plus 1 Every voter knows that democracy means majority rule! If you ask voters if democracy means majority or minority rule, they will say majority rule. If you ask voters if they prefer majority or minority rule, they will prefer majority rule. If you ask voters if they approve of present minority rule and the gridlock it imposes, they will not approve. Take the loopholes away from the freeloaders! Government’s responsibilities are to empower and protect. Empowerment means schools, infrastructure, buildings, highways and more. Protection means police, fire. consumer protection and more. Revenue is needed for California’s government to fulfill those responsibilities. California is the only dysfunctional state that stumbles from one fiscal crisis to the next. California is rich but does not have sufficient revenue to fulfill responsibilities. Freeloaders use loopholes to avoid carrying a fair share of California’s load. The biggest loophole is the veto conservative legislative minority of 1/3 plus 1 uses to protect the freeloader’s loopholes. Have the courage and good sense to do what’s right! Support Majority Rule Statewide Sign up at In California Facebook Group Visit for campaign information Committee for Democracy in California a committee of the Contra Costa County Democratic Party Central Committee Co- Chairs: Ellis Goldberg & Sally Sweetser We are creating a Speakers Bureau and a list of organizations to make presentations to. Please contact us with speakers and organization info. Once the petition is qualified 700,000 verifiable voter signatures will be needed. A statewide educational effort is required to take the message to the voters. You can take part in this game changing effort. “All legislative actions on revenue and budget shall be determined by majority vote.” Dr. George Lakoff