Jeopardy Great Depression Review
HOME100 What was the attitude of most people in 20’s regarding the economy? What was the attitude of most people in 20’s regarding the economy? It was great and going to continue to rise It was great and going to continue to rise
Jeopardy Causes Life During New Deal Leadership Potpourri
HOME200 What is the term for over pricing stocks? What is the term for over pricing stocks? Over Speculation Over Speculation
HOME300 Why did many people run to their banks to get their money out? Why did many people run to their banks to get their money out? They were afraid the bank would close and they would lose it all They were afraid the bank would close and they would lose it all
HOME400 What did consumerism in the 20’s lead to in the 30’s? What did consumerism in the 20’s lead to in the 30’s? A lot of personal debt A lot of personal debt
HOME500 What sparked the Great Depression? What sparked the Great Depression? Stock Market Crash Stock Market Crash
HOME100 What was the term for FDR’s radio show, in which he calmed the nation during the Great Depression? What was the term for FDR’s radio show, in which he calmed the nation during the Great Depression? Fireside chats Fireside chats
HOME200 Why did FDR come under a lot heat during the Great Depression? Why did FDR come under a lot heat during the Great Depression? Court Packing Plan Court Packing Plan
HOME300 How did Hoover think the Great Depression should be fixed? How did Hoover think the Great Depression should be fixed? Laissez-Faire or Trickle down Laissez-Faire or Trickle down
HOME400 Which army leader used force to remove the Bonus Army from Washington D.C.? Which army leader used force to remove the Bonus Army from Washington D.C.? General MacArthur General MacArthur
HOME500 When did FDR say the famous quote, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”? When did FDR say the famous quote, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”? His inauguration His inauguration
HOME100 Which New Deal program was designed to protect the money people in banks? Which New Deal program was designed to protect the money people in banks? Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
HOME200 Which New Deal program is still in use today and serves as the nation’s retirement program? Which New Deal program is still in use today and serves as the nation’s retirement program? Social Security Administration Social Security Administration
HOME300 Which New Deal program was created to regulate the stock market so ill responsible practices like buying on the margin will not happen again? Which New Deal program was created to regulate the stock market so ill responsible practices like buying on the margin will not happen again? Security and Exchange Commission Security and Exchange Commission
HOME400 Which New Deal program was created to protect farmers? Which New Deal program was created to protect farmers? Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
HOME500 What is the term for the massive amount of legislation passed by FDR and congress when he first took office? What is the term for the massive amount of legislation passed by FDR and congress when he first took office? 1 st 100 Days or 1 st New Deal 1 st 100 Days or 1 st New Deal
HOME100 What was the term for the tons of dirt that blew from the Great Plains to the Atlantic Ocean? What was the term for the tons of dirt that blew from the Great Plains to the Atlantic Ocean? Dust Bowl Dust Bowl
HOME200 How did the Great Depression change the mentality of people? How did the Great Depression change the mentality of people? Start relying on the government more to fix their problems Start relying on the government more to fix their problems
HOME300 What was the term for Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin because they manipulated people with half truths? What was the term for Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin because they manipulated people with half truths? Demagogues Demagogues
HOME400 Where did many people in cities get food ? Where did many people in cities get food ? Bread lines and Soup Kitchens Bread lines and Soup Kitchens
HOME500 What board game was created during the GD to make people feel like they had money? What board game was created during the GD to make people feel like they had money? Monopoly Monopoly
HOME100 What did Hoover form to give government loans to banks? What did Hoover form to give government loans to banks? Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
HOME200 Why did many Americans find FDR’s personality so appealing? Why did many Americans find FDR’s personality so appealing? He was very optimistic He was very optimistic
HOME300 Why did most farm companies destroy crops instead giving them to the hungry? Why did most farm companies destroy crops instead giving them to the hungry? To Raise prices To Raise prices
HOME400 What political party did FDR belong to? What political party did FDR belong to? Democrat Democrat
HOME500 Who was FDR’s 1 st lady and one of the most influential 1 st ladies we have ever had ? Who was FDR’s 1 st lady and one of the most influential 1 st ladies we have ever had ? Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt
$30 billion $30 billion