FSMS 7 th Grade Social Studies; Units 2 Ottoman Empire & Establishment of Modern State of Israel) Georgia Standard SS7H2(a.b)
Standard-1 SS7H2 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21 st century. (a) Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict.
Agenda Message: Agenda Message: Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz II is Friday September 25 th. CDA 1 is October 2 nd. 3 rd Period has a Practice Vocabulary Quiz Tuesday. Standard:partitioning Standard: Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict. E.Q. Monday September 21, 2015: E.Q. Monday September 21, 2015: How did the break-up of the Ottoman Empire lead to regional conflict? Warm Up Warm Up: What caused the split between Sunni & Shia Muslims? Today We Will Today We Will: 1. Complete fill-in of Ethnic & Religious Groups worksheet on Islam & Christianity 2. The break up of the Ottoman Empire
E.Q. Answer for Monday 9/21/15: After the brake up of the Ottoman Empire new political boundaries were drawn without consideration of potential ethnic and religious group conflict. Warm-Up Answer: After the death of Muhammad there was a disagreement about who should lead the Muslim community. Sunni’s believed it should be whomever would be the best leader. Shia’s wanted someone who was a direct descendent of Muhammad to lead.
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 The Ottoman Empire controlled much of the area known as Turkey, Southwest Asia, North Africa and Southeast Europe from the 1300’s until the end of World War I (1924). At its most powerful in the 1500’s, the Ottoman Empire’s capital was the city of Istanbul.
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 cont. By the start of World War I in 1914 the Ottoman Empire had been weakened by suffering seven straight loses in several costly wars. When World War I began, the Ottoman Empire decided to join forces with ultimately the losing side. As a result of losing World War I the Ottoman Empire was overthrown and dismantled.
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 cont. The Peace Treaty Conference after World War I was held in San Remo, Italy and the treaty that was announced in 1920, was called the San Remo Agreement. The former Ottoman Empire was partitioned (divided) into several new countries by the existing European nations.
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 cont. The countries that were created by this agreement are part of what is known today as the modern Middle East or Southwest Asia. These countries included Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine and Afghanistan among others.
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 cont. When the European politicians created the San Remo Agreement, they decided where boundaries of these new countries would be located. In doing so they often paid little attention to the ethnic and religious groups who were already living in the areas. Some of these groups had been enemies for generations.
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 cont. The new boundaries that were drawn did not take into consideration the concept of nationalism. (Nationalism: The idea that countries are most successful if the people who live there share some common cultural, historic, or religious beliefs).
The Ottoman Empire in 1914 cont. As a result, many different groups who had no cultural ties, or in the worse case, groups who were life-long enemies were forced to live together in one country. This has led to ongoing conflicts or wars.
Standard-2 SS7H2 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East) leading to the 21 st century. (b) Explain the historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948; include the Jewish religious connections to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and Zionism in Europe.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. There are many religious sites in Palestine sacred to all three religions. Most of these important sites are in Jerusalem, (i.e. the Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the Wailing Wall).
Agenda Message: Agenda Message: SWA Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz II is Friday September 25 th. CDA I is October 2 nd. Social Studies Progress Reports go home October 7 th. Standard: Standard: Explain historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 including Jewish religious connections to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism & Zionism in Europe. E.Q. Tuesday, September 22, 2015 E.Q. Tuesday, September 22, 2015: What did the group called Zionist want to achieve? Warm Up Warm Up: Much of modern day SWA was previously part of what empire? Today We Will Today We Will: 1. Review Chapter 21”What were they thinking” homework 2. The establishment of the modern State of Israel
E.Q. Answer for Tuesday 9/22/15: Zionist wanted all of the Jews of the world to be able to return to their original home as it existed in the Bible. Warm-Up Answer: Most of SWA was previously part of the Ottoman Empire.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel One of the areas created from the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I was Palestine. Palestine was important to Jews, Christians, and Muslims because this is where much of what is written in the Old and New Testaments, and the Quran took place.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. The British were given the responsibility for ruling in Palestine until a decision could be made about how to establish a permanent government there. Most of the people living in Palestine before World War II were Palestinian Arabs. However, since the late 1800’s large numbers of Jewish settlers had been immigrating to the area from both Western and Eastern Europe.
Agenda Message: Agenda Message: SWA Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz II is Friday September 25 th. Study your index cards for definitions. CDA I is Friday Oct. 2 nd. Standard: Standard: Explain historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 including Jewish religious connections to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism & Zionism in Europe. E.Q. for Wednesday, September 23, 2015 E.Q. for Wednesday, September 23, 2015: What is anti-Semitism? Warm Up Warm Up: What “ethnic group” lived in Palestine before it became Israel? Today We Will Today We Will: 1. Complete SWA Religious Groups worksheet 2. Review Vocabulary for SWA Ethnic & Religious Groups Quiz II
E.Q. Answer for Wednesday 9/23/15: Hatred of Jews simply because they are Jewish. Warm-Up Answer: Palestinian “Arabs”
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. Since the Diaspora many of the early Jewish settlers wanted to create a homeland for the world’s Jews in Palestine. They believed the land in this area had been promised to them by God many thousand of years ago through the patriarch Abraham, as told in the stories of the Old Testament.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. These groups were known as Zionists people who felt the world’s Jews deserved to return to a homeland in Zion, or those parts of Palestine where the Jewish people had lived in Biblical times). Conflicts began to break out between the Jewish settlers and the Palestinian Arabs, as each group tried to hold on to the land.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. Each religious group felt a special affinity (love) towards the land based upon their belief that it had been given to them by God through the patriarch Abraham
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. During World War II, the Jewish people in Europe suffered terribly at the hand of the Nazi government of Germany. There was widespread anti-Semitism (which is hatred of the Jews simply because they practiced the Jewish faith) in Europe.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. Over six million European Jews were killed in concentration camps set up by Germany in WWII and many thousands of others had to leave Europe to avoid death. This terrible time came to be known as the Holocaust.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. At the end of the war, the Jewish people of the world wanted to take steps to be sure nothing like this could ever happen again. Many countries around the world felt tremendous guilt over the Holocaust as they began to learn the details of what had gone on in the German-run concentration camps.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. A number of Jewish groups (known as Zionists) living in Europe and the United States, even before the Holocaust, had talked of trying to set up a homeland for the Jewish people in the region of the Middle East known as Palestine.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. At the end of the war, the newly created United Nations also believed something should be done for the Jewish people because of their suffering. In 1948, the United Nations voted to create a homeland for the Jews in part of Palestine. The Jews who were living there accepted the offer and declared the creation of the State of Israel.
Agenda Message: Agenda Message: SWA Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz II is TOMORROW!! Use your index cards as a study aid. CDA I is October 2 nd. Standard: Standard: Explain historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 including Jewish religious connections to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism & Zionism in Europe. E.Q. Thursday, September 24, 2015 E.Q. Thursday, September 24, 2015: How did the Palestinian Arabs react when the United Nations created the modern State of Israel in what was formerly Palestine? Warm Up Warm Up: How was the holocaust instrumental in the creation of the modern State of Israel? Today We Will Today We Will: 1. Prep for SWA Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz II 2. View video of Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca
E.Q. Answer for Thursday 9/24/15: Palestinian Arabs and their neighbors (Lebanon, Syria, Egypt & Saudi Arabia) started a war against Israel. Warm-Up Answer: The world collective felt something should be done for the Jews due to their suffering during the holocaust in WWII.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. However, not everyone was happy with this new state of israel. Palestinian Arabs living in the area felt the United Nations had unfairly given their land away, and they along with many other Arab countries refused to accept the new state of Israel.
Establishment of the Modern State of Israel cont. War broke out in May 1948 between the new state of Israel and the Arab countries of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Other Arab countries in the Middle East agreed with the Palestinians and sided with them during this war. The Israelis were able to win this war and the new state of Israel survived, taking over even more land than they had originally (i.e. the West Bank).
Land/Religion Continuing Conflict As a result of the Israelis winning the 1948 war many Palestinians became refugees (people had to leave their homes as a result of war). In the past 60 plus years, there have been several additional wars between the Israelis, and its Arab neighbors over the issue of Palestine and the Palestinian refugees.
Land/Religion Continuing Conflict cont. Many of the Palestinians and their descendants still live in refugee camps (the Gaza Strip) or in parts of Israel they feel should be a Palestinian state (the West Bank). Both areas are under the strict control of Israel.
Land/Religion Continuing Conflict cont. The problem between these two people still exist today, even though people on both sides of the conflict continue to look for ways to find a peaceful solution to their disagreements. Arab countries in the area are strong supporters of the Palestinians, while the United States is a powerful supporter of the Israelis.
Land/Religion Continuing Conflict cont. The continuing Arab-Israeli conflict plays a major role in the difficulties that the United States and the rest of the world face today when trying to find peaceful solutions to Middle East conflicts. These conflicts also ultimately threaten the free-flow of oil to the world’s industrialized countries.
Agenda Message: SWA Ethnic & Religious Groups Vocabulary Quiz II is TODAY! CDA I is October 2 nd. Standard: Standard: Explain historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 including Jewish religious connections to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism & Zionism in Europe. E.Q. Friday, September 25, 2015 E.Q. Friday, September 25, 2015: Name two reasons for ongoing conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors? Warm Up Warm Up: What city is considered sacred by Judaism, Christianity and Islam in SWA? Today We Will Today We Will: 1. Complete Land/Religion Continuing Conflict 2. Complete History of SWA Chain-of-Events Timeline
E.Q. Answer for Friday 9/25/15: Religion and land. Each religion believes that God gave them the land as part of the covenant made with the patriarch Abraham. Warm-Up Answer: All three religions consider the city of Jerusalem to be sacred.