Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland – a timeline Back to the Future. TAMAKI MAKAURAU.
Iwi migration 1300s – 1800s
Pre-1840 Māori enterprise
1840 Treaty of Waitangi Waikato Heads, 11 April 1840 Manukau, 26 April 1840 Manukau, 20 March1840 Waitematā, 4 March 1840 Tāmaki, 9 July 1840
Post 1840
1840s – 1860s Māori supplying goods to Auckland
Late 19 th century Māori land losses
s impact of disease
Urban drift
Maori land march 1975
1980s Treaty claims Manukau Report and Claim Huakina Development Trust vs Waikato Valley Authority Resource management
Treaty settlements Ngāi Tahu Settlement 1998 $170m Balance sheet 2013 $809m Waikato-Tainui Settlement 1995 $170m Balance Sheet 2014 $1b
Te Ara Rangatū o Te Iwi o Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua * Represents: Ngāti Te Ata Rohe (Tribal Area): Auckland Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki Trust Represents: Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Rohe: East Coast Te Akitai Waiohua Iwi Authority Represents: Te Akitai Waiohua Rohe (Tribal Area): South West- Auckland Ngāti Tamaoho Trust Represents: Ngāti Tamaoho Rohe (Tribal Area): From the north of Tāmaki Isthmus to south of the Waikato River Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust Represents: Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement: $9m received in 2011 Balance sheet: unknown ($9m+) Asset concentration: Property, fisheries Rohe: Northern East Coast & Little Barrier Island Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust Represents: Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Settlement: $18m received in 2012 Balance Sheet: net assets of $300m+ Asset concentration: Property Rohe: Central Auckland Ngāti Whātua Waiohua-Tāmaki Waikato-Tainui Te Runanga o Ngāti Whātua* Represents: the whole of Ngāti Whātua Balance Sheet:$10.2m Asset concentration: Fisheries Rohe: Tāmaki River north to Maunganui Bluff across to Whāngarei Harbour. Ngāti Maru Rūnanga Incorporated Represents: Ngāti Maru Rohe (Tribal Area): Auckland / Coromandel Te Patukirikiri Incorporated Represents: Te Patukirikiri Rohe (Tribal Area): Auckland/ Coromandel Ngāti Paoa Trust Represents: Ngāti Paoa Balance Sheet: $10m+ Rohe (Tribal Area): Auckland / Coromandel Ngāti Tamaterā Settlement Trust Represents: Ngāti Tamaterā Rohe (Tribal Area): Auckland / Coromandel Tāmaki Makaurau Mana Whenua Marae Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea Trust Represents: Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea Balance Sheet: $4.6m Asset concentration: Fisheries, Tourism Rohe: Great Barrier and Little Barrier Is. Marutūahu Deed of Mandate Agreement in Principle Deed of Settlement Settlement Legislation Progress in Settlement Process: Te Uri o Hau Settlement Trust Represents: Te Uri o Hau Settlement: $15.6m received in 2002 Balance Sheet: equity of $17.2m in 2009 Asset concentration: Property Rohe: Northern Kaipara Ngāti Wai Trust Board Represents: Ngāti Wai Balance sheet: $10.8m Asset concentration: Fisheries Tourism. Rohe: East coast between Auckland and the Bay of Islands, including Great Barrier Island Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority Represents:Te Kawerau a Maki Rohe (Tribal Area): South to Waitākere ranges to Cape Rodney Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara Trust Represents: Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara Settlement: $22.1m received in 2013 Balance Sheet: principally the settlement proceeds Rohe: Southern Kaipara Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Incorporated Represents: Waikato-Tainui Settlement: 1995 ($170m received initially) Balance sheet: net assets: $704m Asset concentration: property, hotels, fisheries Rohe: Waikato north to South Auckland Ngaati Whanaunga Incorporated Represents: Ngaati Whanaunga Rohe (Tribal Area): Auckland / Coromandel Makaurau Marae Trustees Represents: Te Ahiwaru Rohe: South Auckland Deed of Mandate Agreement in Principle Deed of Settlement Settlement Legislation Progress in Settlement Process: * (Auckland Council Boundary) Ngāti Wai Deed of Mandate Agreement in Principle Deed of Settlement Settlement Legislation Progress in Settlement Process: Deed of Mandate Agreement in Principle Deed of Settlement Settlement Legislation Progress in Settlement Process: * Tāmaki Makaurau Mana Whenua Landscape Deed of Mandate Agreement in Principle Deed of Settlement Settlement Legislation Progress in Settlement Process: *
Ngāti Whātua o Orākei Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust Represents: Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Settlement: $18m received in 2012 Balance Sheet: net assets of $300m+ Asset concentration: Property Rohe: Central Auckland
2013 Orākei Papakāinga Development
–Mana whenua, like Auckland Council, have an enduring presence within Auckland and have a vested interest in its success –Developing greater critical mass through strategic alliances and partnerships –Shift from stakeholder engagement to partnering and shared decision-making –Treaty Settlements influencing role in and of local government –Successful emergence of Māori economy Future Landscape
Māori responsiveness What and how
Council’s commitments and obligations to Māori Enable Te Tiriti o Waitangi Fulfil statutory Māori obligations Enable Māori outcomes Value te Ao Māori Effective Māori Participation in Democracy An Empowered Organisation Strong Māori Communities Te pai me te whai rawa o Tāmaki The world’s most liveable city Te hau o te whenua, te hau o te tangata A Māori identity that is Auckland’s point of difference in the world Significantly lift Māori social and economic well-being
Fulfil Statutory Obligations Enable Te Tiriti Enable Māori outcomes Value Te Ao Māori Empowered organisation statutes - Key themes: Treaty principles Māori participation in decision-making Recognition of Māori cultural values and perspectives Duty to contribute to Māori capacity Enable and promote Māori well-being - strengthen Treaty-based relationships - Treaty principles relevant to local government - Provide for Treaty settlement outcomes - A Māori identity – Auckland’s point of difference - Māori Plan - Treaty settlements - Value, understand, and embed Māori knowledge, culture, and practices into thinking, processes, and policies Effective Māori participation Strong Māori communities Māori responsiveness framework
Supporting the Council’s commitments and obligations to Māori Supporting effective Māori participation in democracy Enhancing Council’s contribution to Māori outcomes Empowering the organisation to be more responsive to Māori. Expected benefits
Expected benefits continued... Improvement of overall awareness and application of Te Ao Māori Informing future business planning
Where to from here? PossibilityPotential
Auckland Transport PresentFuture