Helping the future become financially SMART
Thyme Bank Financial Literacy Initiative Background: Thyme Bank is a financial Institution located in Southeastern Connecticut and Rhode Island. Within Thyme Bank there is a current push to ensure the community is educated in what it means to be Financially SMART. Within this is the Financial Literacy Initiative in which High School Junior and Seniors participate in four weeks of training on what it means to be Financially SMART and set all students up for success as adults. In order to reach students of the future it will be increasingly important for Thyme Bank to approach and cater this training to the learning styles and focus of young adults. It is the goal that through this proposed shift in training from in person to hybrid that students will be better prepared for making SMART financial decisions for the rest of their lives.
Banking Basics What we will cover: -Differences between checking and savings accounts -Pros and Cons of Bank Services -How to properly write a check -Importance of maintaining an account
Comparison of accounts & Banking Services
Check Writing Activity Lets work together to write a check for our college dorm room needs! Get into groups of two-three and work together to write out this check! After completed we will discuss the elements of a check and the importance of each.
Reality Check What we will cover: -Identifying Financial Goals -Differences between need and wants -How decisions today affect your goals -Income verses expenses
Goal Planning Step One: What's your goal? Step Three: How much money must you save in total? Step Two: When do you want to complete this goal? Step Four: How much money should you save monthly? Step Five: What steps can you take to reach your monthly goal? Step Six: What "wants" can you cut back on to reach your goal?
Wants verses Needs
Credit Worthiness What we will cover: -The importance of Credit -Difference Between good and bad credit -How to use credit -What is a credit score -How credit can help or hurt your financial wellbeing
What do you use credit for?
Determining your credit worthiness What determines credit worthiness? 1) Payment History 2) Amount owed to current creditors 3) Length of credit history 4) Type of credit 5) Number of open accounts
Homework Spot the Credit Crisis
Investing in Your Future What we will cover: -Inflation Differences in investment options: low, medium and high -Understanding a stock report
Identifying Risks & Stock Reports Aggressive Growth Stocks and Mutual Funds Moderate Growth Stocks Bonds Mutual Funds Bank Savings Accounts Certificate of Deposit Government Savings Bonds High Risk Low Risk
Graduation & Follow-Up
References: Business Smart International (N.D.) Image. Innovative banking simulations develop essential commercial awareness. Retreived from: Buckenmeyer, J. A. (2010). Beyond computers in the classroom: Factors related to technology adoption to enhance teaching and learning. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 3(4), Retrieved from _1/courses/EDU /Documents/Beyond%20Computers%20In%20The%20Classroom.pdf Gee, E. & Works, S. (2013) SMART Financial Final. Dime Bank. Retrieved from: file:///private/var/folders/7Z/7Zll4VWQE1KjsnDRVp8FqU+++TI/-Tmp- /TemporaryItems/Word%20Work%20File%20D_ htm N.A. (2014) What is inflation? Investopedia. Retrieved from: Stein, C., Hoffmann, E., Bonar, E., Leith, J., Abraham, K., Hamill, A., &... Fogo, W. (2013). The United States Economic Crisis: Young Adults' Reports of Economic Pressures, Financial and Religious Coping and Psychological Well-Being. Journal Of Family & Economic Issues, 34(2), doi: /s x