The Northern Ireland Youth Smartcard Project A Presentation to the SCNF/London Connects 31 st January 2007 John McKernan Head of Enterprise Design Authority & CTO
OnlineNI Strategy Vision for e-Government in N.I. Gov./Citizen Relationship transformed Customer choice, service accessibility, responsiveness and social inclusion Services will be joined-up, easy to use and convenient to access. Technology will be the catalyst for change. Vision for e-Government in N.I. Gov./Citizen Relationship transformed Customer choice, service accessibility, responsiveness and social inclusion Services will be joined-up, easy to use and convenient to access. Technology will be the catalyst for change.
Background.. Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Lisburn Lisburn eGovernment Funding eGovernment Funding Procurement Procurement Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Lisburn Lisburn eGovernment Funding eGovernment Funding Procurement Procurement
Functional Deliverables School Meals Transport Leisure Museums/Art Galleries Incentive Schemes PR/Marketing Card Design Youth Portal School Meals Transport Leisure Museums/Art Galleries Incentive Schemes PR/Marketing Card Design Youth Portal
Technology Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing JCOP30 Multi-app Mifare Emulation
Infineer POS Windows PC’s/Servers SQL Central Server Technology Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing
Identifile PRO ECEBS Multefile Infineer Chipnet3 Technology Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing
Wireless DSL Cisco LAN switches Cisco Router - (Firewall feature set) Technology Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing
Identifile app. to personalise and print each card via back-end server Technology Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing Card Type Hardware Software Network Printing
Youth Portal
The Launch – 29 th November 05
Lessons Learnt So Far Ensure that there is extensive stakeholder engagement from the outset Set stakeholder expectations at the right level Identify all the elements of the technical solution Focus on the 'Why should I use MyCard‘ It is important to build sufficient contingency into the budget and the timescales Ensure that the card users are well informed about the card in advance of launch Ensure that there is extensive stakeholder engagement from the outset Set stakeholder expectations at the right level Identify all the elements of the technical solution Focus on the 'Why should I use MyCard‘ It is important to build sufficient contingency into the budget and the timescales Ensure that the card users are well informed about the card in advance of launch
Positive Feedback The pupils like the idea of carrying the card and the functionality that it provides; Pupils don’t have to carry cash, which has a number of knock-on benefits e.g. less cash lost, less bullying for money etc.; Within the canteen, the queue through the till is quicker, with money and stock being easier to count and monitor. In addition, School Principals have said that the feedback from parents has been positive.
Not so Positive Feedback The main issue is card breakages and pupils losing or forgetting their cards. Some schools have had more success than others in addressing and overcoming this issue. Revaluation Machines
What Happens Next? Continuation of Pilot Roll-out of Card Scheme Partners Stakeholders Funding Continuation of Pilot Roll-out of Card Scheme Partners Stakeholders Funding
Plans for Future Vending machines School transport Attendance Proof of Age Government Gateway
Roll-out Planning Other DENI DRD DFP NI Civil Service Commercial ELBs C2K Translink End Users & Operators Issues: Data Protection & Mgt., Cost, Support & Maintenance etc. Retailers Telcos Banks Other Ents. & Leisure SC Forums International Vendors Strategy Integration Ownership Issues Alignment Management Budget Control Duration Cost Data Access Alignment Management Issues Technology Standards/ Quality Scalability Alignment Issues Depts Councils Agencies
Tel: Mobile: NI Youth Smartcard Pilot