Working with the Congress in Argentina Vanesa Weyrauch CIVICUS ASSEMBLY, June 2006 Av. Callao 25, 1° C1022AAA Buenos Aires, Argentina - Tel: (54 11) 4384-9009.


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Presentation transcript:

Working with the Congress in Argentina Vanesa Weyrauch CIVICUS ASSEMBLY, June 2006 Av. Callao 25, 1° C1022AAA Buenos Aires, Argentina - Tel: (54 11) Fax: (54 11)

The type of CSO affects relationship with Congress CIPPEC is an organisation working towards a just, democratic and efficient state that improves the quality of life of all Argentine citizens. In order to further this goal, CIPPEC analyses and promotes political policies that foment equity and growth in Argentina. CIPPEC as an organisation in evolution: hybrid between focus on research, influence, monitoring and implementation. Diverse roles at the same time: – watchdog, – think tank, – CSO, etc.

Characteristics of Congress Divided in two chambers: Deputies (representing people in general) and Senators (representing provinces) Main advantage: double discussion enriches decision making process, also minimizes potential errors. Main disadvantage: the process is frequently too long and bureaucratic Legislators act according to political parties´ blocks, they seldom vote independently Weak role in the main public policies (i.e. National Budget); the Executive Power rules mostly by majority or by decrees Lobby is not regulated; low civic participation.

Mechanisms of interaction CSOS can contribute to strengthen the Congress´ role in hiper-presidential political systems. Example: creation of CBO CSOs can aid legislators in their decisions with research and evidence relevant to policymaking. Example: Public Policy Analysis/ Recommendations CSOs and Congress can provide citizens with clear and transparent information to enhance comprehension of public policies. Example: Budget Brief

Mechanisms of interaction CSOS can generate information about legislators, including their affidavits, to promote accountability and contribute towards a more active citizen participation in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies. Example: Legislative Directory. CSOs can co-organize seminars, roundtables, discussions with legislators and/or committees. Example: Congressional Caucus to promote fiscal reforms. Carrots and sticks: HOLD THE TENSION!