MQRIC Services Valerie Attard, Communications Manager National Commission for Further and Higher Education 15 December 2012
What is MQRIC? The MQRIC (Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre) was established on the 20th September 2002 as the official national body that deals with matters related to recognition and comparability of qualifications. MQRIC forms part of the National Commission for Further and Higher Education.
How do I apply for the Recognition and/or comparability of my qualifications? Requests for recognition/comparability are to be submitted using a standard application form which can be obtained either from the MQRIC office or downloaded from the MQC website.
Office Opening Hours The office of MQRIC accepts applications on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings between 9.00 to and afternoons between 2.00 to 4.00 hrs.
MQRIC Address Casa Leoni, St Joseph High Street, St Venera, Malta Tel: (+356) , (opposite the St Venera Local Council)
Which supporting documents do I submit? A certified copy of your qualification (such as degree, diploma, certificate, etc.) A certified copy of the transcript showing subjects, number of hours and examination results. Certified authenticated translations into Maltese or English of any documents originally issued in a language other than Maltese or English.
Thank you for your attention.