1 VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS SYSTEM INTURKEY İbrahim BÜKEL Board Member Turkish Board of Education Ministry of National Education Budapest
2 HISTORY ( ) HISTORY ( ) Occupatinal Standards Committee has been established under the coordination of National Placement Agency (İŞKUR) (1992). The draft law on Turkish Vocational Qualifications Authority has been prepared (2000). Within the framework of the Project on Strengthening the Vocational Education and Training (SVET) which is conducted under the coordination of Ministry of National Education (MEB), the draft law on Turkish Vocational Qualifications Authority has been updated. Draft Law on VQA has been discussed in Turkish Parliament Law Commission (May 2006). Finally, Turkish Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) has been established in accordance with the Law numbered 5544 which has been approved unanimously in the General Assembly of the Parliament on 21 September İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
3 Social Partners: Ministry of Labour and Social SecurityMinistry of Labour and Social Security State Planning Organization,State Planning Organization, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of TurkeyThe Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Turkish Confederation of Employer Association,Turkish Confederation of Employer Association, The Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftmen,The Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftmen, The Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions,The Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions, The Confederation of Turkish Real Trade Unions,The Confederation of Turkish Real Trade Unions, The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions,The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions, Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association,Turkish Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, The Foundation of Vocational Training and Small IndustriesThe Foundation of Vocational Training and Small Industries MoNE SVET Project M€ NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS SYSTEM (NQS) Turkish Vocational Qualifications Authority Law SYSTEM SET UP İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
4 The “National Vocational Qualifications System” (NVQS) is defined in Vocational Qualifications Authority Law 5544 as The “National Vocational Qualifications System” (NVQS) is defined in Vocational Qualifications Authority Law 5544 as “Rules and activities regarding the development of technical and vocational training standards and the qualifications based on these standards; their implementation and the relevant accreditation, supervision, assessment, evaluation, documentation and certification” [Article 2ç]. “Rules and activities regarding the development of technical and vocational training standards and the qualifications based on these standards; their implementation and the relevant accreditation, supervision, assessment, evaluation, documentation and certification” [Article 2ç]. İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
5 The objective of the Law is to determine the principles of national qualifications in technical and vocational fields and to establish the National Vocational Qualifications Authority which will set up and operate the National Vocational Qualifications System necessary for conducting activities concerning supervision,assessment/evaluation, documentation and certification, to set its operation principles. The objective of the Law is to determine the principles of national qualifications in technical and vocational fields and to establish the National Vocational Qualifications Authority which will set up and operate the National Vocational Qualifications System necessary for conducting activities concerning supervision,assessment/evaluation, documentation and certification, to set its operation principles. İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
6 highest decision making body of VQA consists of 39 members 19 of which are from public institutions 20 from representatives of social partners executive body of VQA consists of 6 members representatives from MoLSS,MoNE,BoHE, Confederation of Employee’s Trade Union, Confederation of Employers and Vocational Organisations VQA is represented by the President responsible for the implementation of services and providing the coordination among all departments of VQA consists of representatives from MoNE, MoLSS, BoHE, other Ministries related to occupations, employee’s, employer’s and vocational organisations examine, recommend and decide in order to provide the recognition of occupational standards İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
7 The Main Functions Of The National Vocational Qualifications Authority are: developing and validating occupational standards validating vocational qualifications based on these standards accrediting and monitoring education and training institutions to deliver the qualifications quality assuring the assessment and certification of candidates for the qualifications. İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
8 These functions will be carried in cooperation with a range of stakeholders including: the Ministry of National Education the Board of Higher Education Turkish Accreditation Agency and other accrediting bodies bodies recognized by National Vocational Qualifications Authority to set occupational standards - known as “occupational standards-setting bodies” Sector Committees established by National Vocational Qualifications Authority to validate occupational standards and qualifications accredited education and training institutions recognized by National Vocational Qualifications Authority to assess and certificate specific qualifications – known as “National Vocational Qualifications Authority recognized centers”. İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
9 VQA Occupational Standards Educational Standards Educational Programmes Examinations Transcript and certificates Authorisation SECTORS Functions of VQA Question and Data Bank MoNE BoHE MoLSS İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
10 National Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLLS) Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and Board of Higher Education (BoHE) İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest Strategic Responsibility
11 The key purposes of the NVQS are: The key purposes of the NVQS are: Facilitating mutual recognition of certificates and diplomas with the countries of the European Union Developing a more market-driven qualification system Ensuring that the VET system is coherent and comprehensive İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
12 The key purposes of the NVQS are: Standardizing levels and content in the VET system Ensuring validity, reliability and transparency in the assessment of vocational qualifications Making progression routes easier and clearer and improving career mobility Improving the recognition of prior learning/current competence in all occupations İbrahim BÜKEL – Budepest
13 Learning outcomes and Qualifications The NVQS will consist of a series of levels and an agreed terminology for describing qualifications in terms of learning outcomes. It will: The NVQS will consist of a series of levels and an agreed terminology for describing qualifications in terms of learning outcomes. It will: show the relationships between vocational qualifications clarify relationships between formal and non-formal vocational education and training enable progression routes between qualifications or learning programmes to be established. İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
14 The National Vocational Qualification Framework has been drafted to include similar qualifications with the European Union countries. İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
15 PhD Diploma MSc Diploma B Sc Diploma Post Secondary School Diploma Vocational School Diploma Non-Formal Training Certificate Primary Education Diploma LEVEL Sectors and Chambers DRAFTED FRAMEWORK WITH EIGHT REFERENCE LEVEL (*) (*) O.Yalçın et al.,International Conference on Future Challenges For VET Development in Turkey within the Perspective of the Copenhagen Process and Maastricht Communiqué, MoNE Projects Coordination Centre, June 2005, Ankara İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
16 PhD Diploma MSc Diploma B Sc Diploma Post Secondary School Diploma Vocational School Diploma Non-Formal Training Certificate Primary Education Diploma LEVEL Sectors and Chambers EIGHT REFERENCE LEVELS AND TITLES IN JOB MARKET İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest (Specialist) (Head Foreman) (Foreman) (Journeyman) (Apprentice) TITLE
17 Expected Outcomes placement of all Turkish qualifications on an appropriate level facilitation of mutual transitions between general and vocational learning easy identification of progression pathways multi-purpose use for comparisons of qualifications creditation of previous learning establishment of credit links between qualifications in the NVQS description in terms of learning outcomes providing quality assurance mutual recognition of qualifications on international base İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
18 Regulations to be released between Regulation on the principals and essentials of setting occupational standards Regulation on the principals and essentials of the establishment and the activities of the sectoral committees Regulation on the principals and essentials of the examination,certification and accreditation Law on formulation and recognition of the vocational qualifications İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
19 Future Planning (2008) To establish the National Vocational Qualifications Framework To determine the occupational standards, levels of vocational qualifications together with learning outcomes, examinations and certification,principals of cooperation with the related foundations To set a schedule of activities İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest
20 RELATED LINKS: (under construction) Thanks for your attention! İbrahim BÜKEL – Budapest