Inserting Graphics: I’ve had trouble printing large graphics inserted from Excel or Word. Sometimes they only partially print. If you do this, select the inserted graphic then draw/ungroup. When it asks you if you want to make it a Microsoft Office drawing object click yes. Now it is editable in PowerPoint. Remember the width of the paper I use is 36” and that includes about 1.5” of margin. The other dimension is variable. Helpful Tools Lining things up…There are features that can help you line up columns or rows. See Draw/Align or distribute. (Draw is on the lower left of your screen). Also there is a ruler guide that you can move see View/Guides. Draw also has some snap features that can be turned on and off. Calvin Logo with “Minds in the Making” is in the bottom right in.eps format. If you do a test print on a non-postscript printer it will show up as a box. Don’t worry. On our printer it will print fine. If you need a logo for some other project, contact Instructional Graphics at Printing You can me or deliver the file on zip or CD. Please allow one week for printing. Include the graphics, photos and fonts in a folder as well in case I need to re-insert anything. Title of a Poster to be Mounted on Foamcore 發表者: xxx Title of a Poster to be Mounted on Foamcore 發表者: xxx 前言 / 研究背景 方法 結果 Background Color To choose a background other than this parchment paper: format/background then click on the down arrow and pick a color or fill effect. If you choose to use a digital image of your own, please include a copy of it with your file. Scans and Images Make your scans the size you want them in the poster at 120 to 200 dpi. Convert them to CMYK if you can. Pictures from the Web: Most of the time, don’t use them. They are too low resolution and too small. If you stretch them bigger they will look jaggy or pixilated. Background images: to fill the background with an image you can get away with an output resolution of 100 dpi, even down to 50 dpi. But make sure you scan to the size you want it. Never stretch a smaller scan, your pixels will turn into little boxes. Poster dimensions 36 x 48” would need a scan 3600 by 4800 pixels minimum to fill the background. Or output resolution of 100dpi scan 36” x 48”. Serif fonts (fonts with the little flags at the tops and bottoms of the vertical letters) are best for reading lots of text. Use serif for the body text. Use the Sans-serif fonts (no flags) for headlines. The stroke of the letter is wider and makes a bold impression. 我該選擇淺色或是深色的底色? … 重點在顏色 ( 文字和背景 ) 對比. 如果你喜歡像是天空藍色的背景,你可以用淺色 ( 像白色 ) 的字,然後字 體加粗。 但是如果背景色很深,你用了一般的字體時,內容文字會糊在一起,而且有時候有些細線 會神奇的消失不見。 還有,記得不要用過於複雜的照片當做背景,因為過多的圖像有時候會影響讀者該專注的地方,造成 讀者閱讀時分心 參考文獻 結論 / 討論 研究假設 Target paper: 請在這裡鍵入你的文獻來源 (apa 格式 ) Serif fonts (fonts with the little flags at the tops and bottoms of the vertical letters) are best for reading lots of text. Use serif for the body text. Use the Sans-serif fonts (no flags) for headlines. The stroke of the letter is wider and makes a bold impression.