Internet Publishing Luke E. Reese ANR Education and Communication Systems
Outline Definitions Basic homepage HTML Editors Netscape Composer (single page) Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 (page or site) Concepts HyperLinks Images Tables Save As Publish
Definitions Web page versus Web site Homepage The base hypermedia document for an individual or organization (usually index.htm or index.html) HTML HyperText Markup Language Plain Text
Basic Homepage Text and Tags The title for my simple homepage that appears on the top browser status bar. My homepage This is my homepage where you can learn about my selected AEE 401 client.
Browsers / Assumption Netscape Navigator Version 4.x – 7.x Internet Explorer Version 4.x – 6.0.x Screen resolution 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024 Printing Fonts Browser controlled
Formatting Assumptions No page breaks (use pdf) No tabs or indentions (use tables) No columns (use tables) Fonts computer specific (use pdf or graphic) Copy and Paste will not always work Graphics .jpg .gif
Html Editors
Basic Homepage Text and Tags The title for my simple homepage that appears on the top browser status bar. My homepage This is my homepage where you can learn about my selected AEE 401 client.
Netscape Composer File - New Blank Page Page from template Page from wizard Composer Menu Netscape 4.x Netscape 6.x
Dreamweaver File New New from template Floating Palettes
Netscape Composer Editing Screen
Dreamweaver Editing Screen
Text toolbar Fonts Fixed Width Variable Width Size (relative) Color Enhancement (avoid underline) Bullet and numbered lists Indent Justification Netscape 4.x Netscape 7.x Dreamweaver 4.x
Links Target/Anchor (internal to the file) #name of defined target Specific file or location (absolute reference) File or location on same server (relative reference) filename Self addressed stamped mailto: address Netscape 4.xNetscape 7.xDreamweaver 4.x
File Links .htm or.html Automatic load .pdf Loads reader plugin if on computer .doc,.ppt,.xls IE – loads miniviewer Netscape – open or save .jpg,.gif,.png Automatic load .exe or other Open or save or plugin
HyperLinks Two parts Source document text or image Link (location, file, target, mailto) Netscape 4.xDreamweaver 4.x
Tables Insert Insert menu Table Table button (see below) Netscape 4.xNetscape 7.xDreamweaver 4.x
Table Uses / Properties Uses Spacing Alignment Borders (off or 0 for spacing/alignment) Embed Properties Table Row Cell
Tables Properties Netscape 7.x Dreamweaver 4.x
Images Insert Insert menu Image Image button (see below) Image must exist and reside locally or may be linked (absolute reference) Netscape 4.xNetscape 7.xDreamweaver 4.x
Images Netscape 7.x
Images Dreamweaver 4.x
Image Controls Size (pixils) Resize carefully Placement and text wrap Use table No editing Types .jpg /.jpeg photos .gif line art transparent color .png
Page Properties Page title Page background Color Image
Filenames CaSe SensitivE Suggest all lower case Short and as descriptive as possible No spaces (earlier versions of Netscape will not load file)
Tips Netscape Browser File menu Edit page Save As Right mouse button Images Save As Spell Check Line Break = single space Paragraph = double space Multiple object selection or with mouse click
Local versus Remote Server Local A:, C:, Zip, CD-ROM Available only to that computer Remote Server software Available 24/7 Available to all Internet users Tip Create file structure on local Replicate on remote Relative reference
Remote Server Space AFS space 50 MB Hostname Campus labs P: drive /web folder
Where: X = first letter of your Pilot login in lower case Y = second letter of your Pilot login in lower case PILOTLOGIN = your Pilot login in lower case User name: = your Pilot login in lower case Password: = your Pilot password Netscape 4. X Publish to AFS Space Publish button ftp://
Dreamweaver Site Management Similar to FTP Define local and remote sites Synchronize
Dreamweaver Site Management
Your URL or Tip index.html or index.htm (default) Link to other files from index.htm URL using default filename index.htm
Useful Software Paint Shop Pro WSFTP - Lite
CD-ROM Creation
Internet Publishing