Night By Elie Wiesel
Born September 30, 1928 Mother & youngest sister died in Auschwitz. Father died in Buchenwald. Elie lived in French orphanage for several years.
Elie Wiesel Two surviving sisters saw his picture, reunited. 10 year vow of silence regarding Holocaust. Nobel laureate writer Francois Mauriac encouraged him to write.
Elie Wiesel Night appeared in 1956 in Yiddish. Translated into English in Sales have exceeded 1 million copies.
Elie Wiesel “[I have a] conviction that man must impose a meaning upon events that perhaps have none…I am absolutely convinced even when faith is impossible; you must make it possible.”
Plot and Setting Begins 1941, Hungarian town of Sighet. German arrival in 1944 Birkenau-Auschwitz, Buna and Buchenwald.
Point of View First person: narrator a teen age boy. Told chronologically.
Major Characters Eliezer: teen age boy. Chlomo Wiesel: his father. Moche the Beadle
Minor Characters Madame Schachter Akibe Drummer Rabbi Eliahou Juliek
Themes Self-preservation versus family commitment. Dignity in the face of inhuman cruelty. Struggle to maintain faith. Emotional death.
Motifs Night. Eyes.
Tone Personal but objective. Profoundly sad. Quietly dignified.