INT 3131 Lecture Outline Theories of Political Integration 1. Functionalism 2. Neo-Functionalism 3. Interdependence 4. International Regimes 5. Systems Theory 6. World Federalism 7. Epistemic Communities
INT 3132 Functionalism Cooperation in non-political areas build habits of interaction spill over effect Cooperation in the political areas
INT 3133 Neofunctionalism Cooperation in Political Matters Spill Over Nation-state Spill Round Federation Spill Back
INT 3134 Interdependence By Challenging 3 Premises of Realism 1. States as coherent units are the dominant actors in world politis Multiple Channels Connect Societies 2. Force is a usable and effective instrument of policy Military Force is not employed btw. Govts that locate in the same region or issue area 3. There is a hierarchy of issues in world politics There is not an hierarchy of issues in the agenda of interstate relations
INT 3135 International Regime Theory What is Regime? What is International Regime
INT 3136 International Regime Theory Regime: International regimes are defined as principles norms rules decision-making processes around which actor expectations converge in a given issue area.
INT 3137 International Regime Theory PrinciplesFundamental Normsrole RulesSubsidiary decision-making role processes
INT 3138 International Regime Theory PrinciplesFramework Norms RulesDetails & decision-making Content processes
INT 3139 International Regime Theory Changes inChanges PrinciplesOF the regime Norms RulesWITHIN Decision-making the regime processes
INT Importance of Regimes Constrain and regularize the behavior of the participants Affect which issues among protoganists move on and off agendas Determine which activities are legitimized or condemned İnfluence, whether, when and how conflicts are resolved
INT Systems Theory What is a system?
INT Systems Theory System: A set of interrelated entities and their interrelationships Qualifications of a system: boundaries which distingusih it from its operating environment a communications net which permits the flow of information inputs and outputs
INT Systems Theory A harmonic outlook to social reality International politics can be studied as the human body There are many organs interacting functionally and in harmony Each and every state has different but complementary roles (as human body)
INT Systems Theory For instance Morton Kaplan His Six Alternative Systems balance-of-power system a loose bipolar system a tight bipolar system a universal international system a hierarchial international system a unit-veto system