Managing the 2005 agenda Simon Maxwell
The challenge to researchers Be long-term and short-term... Proactive and reactive
2005: OUR DATE WITH DESTINY... High Level Panel on Threats etc... Sachs Report and MDG Summit Africa Commission High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness IDA renewal G8 initiatives EU (new Commission, new policy, financial perspectives) Hong Kong trade agenda The IFF?... and the new (European) meta-narrative
Getting the basics right
The story-teller
The networker
The engineer
The fixer
Bridges Across Boundaries Not Microsoft Not Macdonalds But Policy code-sharing An example: EDC 2010
The challenge to information providers Be long-term and short-term... Proactive and reactive
2005: OUR DATE WITH DESTINY... High Level Panel on Threats etc... Sachs Report and MDG Summit Africa Commission High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness IDA renewal G8 initiatives EU (new Commission, new policy, financial perspectives) Hong Kong trade agenda The IFF?... and the new (European) meta-narrative
The Grid