Why Mutual Accountability? Aid effectiveness requires country ownership, including in donor coordination Contradictions: (a) power imbalance, (b) broken.


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Presentation transcript:

Why Mutual Accountability? Aid effectiveness requires country ownership, including in donor coordination Contradictions: (a) power imbalance, (b) broken accountability feedback loop, (c) distortions of domestic accountability, (d) variety of actors involved, (e) risk-sharing Need for: (a) more recipient country voice, power and capacity to challenge donors, (b) better mechanisms for promoting shared goals and reciprocal commitments and monitoring

Who owns what? Who is accountable to whom? POPULATION DONOR COUNTRIESRECIPIENT COUNTRIES DONOR AGENCY GOVERNMENT POPULATION Parliament Civil Society Parliament Civil Society POLICY CYCLE - PRS - Budget From conditionality to accountability From consultation to influence

Some definitions... Paris Declaration Donors and recipients carry out mutual assessments of progress in implementing agreed commitments and more broadly their development partnership DFID working definition Two or more parties have shared development goals, in which each has legitimate claims that the other is responsible for fulfilling, and where each may be required to explain how they have discharged their responsibilities, and be sanctioned if they fail to deliver

Why this workshop? Weak link between global rhetoric and country-level experience Interesting ongoing experiences in a few countries Sharing ideas Identification of important common factors, challenges and ways forward