2014 Drought Outreach Workgroup Introduction
Herald Zeitung August 13, 2013 The big spring ceased bubbling in mid- August, a victim, observers say, of the lingering drought and the increased pressure growth is putting on the Edwards Aquifer, the subterranean water supply that feeds the popular landmark in Landa Park.
The purpose of the DOW is to consider and evaluate potential outreach strategies that could be utilized by Implementing Committee members in a coordinated manner to collaboratively raise awareness and understanding, by providing the public with information and updates about current drought conditions, HCP conservation measures and springflow protection measure implementation.
These outreach strategies recommended, must have a specific date, flow level, index well level, river condition, or other defined trigger for implementation or distribution
Each Implementing Committee member has appointed a representative At any point the DOW members can request additional information to be presented EAHCP PM will facilitate these meetings and give regular updates back to the IC DOW will be organized on a consensus so in the event you are unable to make the meeting be sure your alternate is present.
City of New Braunfels Steve Ramsey Alternate: Zac Martin City of San Marcos Jan Klein Alternate: TBD Edwards Aquifer Authority Elizabeth Smith Alternate: Terri Herbold Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority LaMarriol Smith Alternate: Todd Vottler Texas State University Shane Townsend Alternate: Emily Warren San Antonio Water System William Peche Alternate: TBD
All recommendations are to be presented to the Implementing Committee on June 19 th
Concern/Milestone Trigger for Outreach response (Before) Trigger for Outreach response (After) Spokesperson Community Affected / Sender Type of MediaKey Elements of Messaging Prepared Response Spring Run 1 going ceases to flow Spring Run 1 < 5 cfs NB- SM- SA- U/M- New Braunfels / Entire Region NB-KNBT (Interview) and Herald Zeitung SA- Express News SM- Social Media Uvalde/Medina- Factsheets and Table Tents 1.HCP is doing … to help… 2.HCP slowed/prevented this from occurring sooner by… 3.Spring Run 1 is not “ideal” habitat; rather Landa Lake is, and it still represents habitat in good condition. 4.Spring Run 1 is the first major spring to go dry in the Comal system and this was planned for and is part of the HCP 5.Definition of terms-Not dry but stops flowing A, C, F……. Minimum SM and NB SSA area in SM Refugia Triggers and at different levels VISPO ASR Comal falls below 100 Sm Falls below 100 CPM Reductions Current and/or Future Proactive Triggers General positive “feel good” messaging at regular intervals 1.Successes of HCP 2.Initiatives by Regional Stakeholders (SAWS ASR, SM/NB) 3.Conservation and education programs… etc.
Retention of Services by John Bogges: 1.Communicate with workgroup members between meetings 2.Draft media outreach pieces 3.Recommend preferred media types 4.Provide marketing expertise as needed
DateMeeting AgendaMeeting Deliverables April 9 th Introductory: Work Group Charge and Purpose List of Potential Triggers April 23 rd Discuss Triggers and Media TypesFinal Triggers and Media Types May 7 th Presentation on Key Elements - Bogges Brainstorming on Key Elements Who is the spokesperson/distributor Agreed to spokespersons and distributor of outreach message May 21 st Presentation of Final Key Elements Draft Media Packet Agreed to Key Elements Agreed to Spokespersons June 4 th Presentation of Final Media Packet and solicit any final edits Recommended media packet to Implementing Committee June 10 th (not meeting)Final changes to media packet made Distribution by John Bogges to Workgroup and HCP Staff June 19 th Presentation of media packet to the Implementing Committee Adoption of media packet by the Implementing Committee