Which One’s Which? Strategy and Advocacy 22 nd April 2008
VIF Workshop 22nd April Strategy and Advocacy VIF Recommendations, Dave Puplett Policies and OpenDOAR, Peter Millington Demo of Subversion, Peter van Huisstede Discussion on issues for repository managers
VIF Workshop 22nd April VIF Recommendations:
VIF Workshop 22nd April Be clear on what you want to you your repository for and what you want it to handle Consider what sort of version confusion could arise from your repository Get the right software and exploit its functionality Strategy
VIF Workshop 22nd April Policy What do you consider to be a version? How will versions be organised in the repository? What versions will your repository keep? Ingest policy? OpenDOAR
VIF Workshop 22nd April FRBR and Different Object types FRBR: Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item This structure allows objects to be linked in relationships to the unifying concept of ‘work’ More and more objects that aren’t simple text are being deposited in repositories, such as data, learning objects, audio and video. Make policy decisions about how these will be stored, what formats and where.
VIF Workshop 22nd April Metadata, Ingest Process Metadata is being discussed next door – the framework has detailed suggestions on what information to put in metadata and how to expose metadata better. Ingest is the best opportunity to clarify version status directly with the content creator. Can this be done automatically? Methodically? What questions to ask? Check for duplication within home repository and, if possible, external repositories.
VIF Workshop 22nd April Advocacy Obviously getting people to deposit in the first place is hard enough, let alone getting them to worry about versioning. However, there is much advice and support for content creators that can help their own versioning habits. Suggest that content creators look at the Content Creation section of the Framework (more on that later).Content Creation The VIF flyer introduces headline recommendations and advice to help work be recognised and identified correctly. Distribute copies of the VERSIONS project Toolkit, to your academics; it is aimed at authors and content creators.VERSIONS project Toolkit
VIF Workshop 22nd April VIF Recommendations:
Project Director: Frances Shipsey, LSE Library, Project Manager: Jenny Brace, LSE Library, Project and Communications Officer: Dave Puplett, LSE Library, Project Officer: Paul Cave, University of Leeds, Project Officer: Catherine Jones, Science and Technology Facilities Council,