Draft Format for an Inventory Report to LRTAP
Why? One important conclusion from the review activities in 2003 and 2004 is that it is difficult to make substantial progress in reviewing the inventories unless the transparency is increased. The Steering Body at its 28th meeting urged parties to prepare Inventory Reports
Why? In the 2004 submission 7 countries provided Informative Inventory Reports (before July 10th, deadline May 15th) Austria, Belarus, Denmark, Finland, France, Sweden and Spain 5 additional countries provided some information, such as explanatory footnotes, information about recalculations etc.
Why? Inventory reports are essential: if the review activities are to be developed further, beyond the present “technical” methods (TIMING!) to increase the possibility to draw relevant conclusion from the review results for the purpose of identifying specific issues for inventory improvement actions to reduce the number of questions from review increases the possibility to exchange information and improve sharing of experiences between national experts and countries facilitates the reporting of National Programmes (NEC)
How? At the Expert Panel on review meeting in February the Inventory Report issue was thoroughly discussed. As it is a recognisable effort to compile a full report, at least the first time, a less resource demanding version could be a solution “on the way”. Which are the most important issues to cover in an inventory report to increase transparency? How for country experts to do this in the least resource demanding way?
How? A stepwise approach? Minimum version More elaborated version, on the way to a complete version The proposal is to suggest a minimum version to the Parties which can be prepared in a few days. The more elaborated version can be based on much the same information as reported to the UNFCCC, but striving at gradually adding information on LRTAP specific pollutants and sources. Most of the information will normally not need annual updates. Some of the information is suggested to be included in excel forms in connection with the reporting templates
Suggested format, Minimum version 1. National circumstances 1.1 Institutional arrangements 1.2 The process of inventory preparation 2. Completeness (added to the reporting template in Excel) 2.1 Explanation on the use of Notation keys. 2.2 Missing sources, sources reported as NE. 2.3 Explanations to the notation key IE. 2.4 An account of sub-sources included in reporting codes "Other". 3. Key sources analysis, level (could in principle be reported in table format) 4. Methodological issues (suggested for addition to the reporting template) 4.1. Fuel statistics for mobile sources 4.2. Memo items on international mobile sources 5. Recalculations and other changes (data in table, explanations here?) 6. National territory emissions
Suggested format, Minimum version
More elaborated and complete version A more elaborated LRTAP Inventory Report could follow the UNFCCC NIR structure. Much information asked for to the two inventory reports is identical and can be reused, e.g. descriptions from the sectoral chapters and all information concerning common substances, SO 2, NO x, CO and NMVOC. In general, priority should be given to the key sources identified for each pollutant
More elaborated and complete version The following priorities are suggested from the Expert Panel on Review on the way to a complete version (in addition to those proposed for the Minimum Inventory report). Prioritized issues: An overview and description of each sector, national circumstances Emission factors Methodological issues Description, interpretation and explanation of emission trends Full Key Source analysis (incl. trend analysis) Desirable information: QA/QC procedures and QA/QC performed Information on any peer review of emission data Current abatement techniques Projections
How did we do in Sweden? We started with a copy of our UNFCCC NIR, compiled according to the UNFCCC Structure of National Inventory Report. -All parts relating specifically to greenhouse gases were deleted. -All general descriptions of sectors, sources, national circumstances etc were kept. -Substances specific for LRTAP-reporting were added for all sources already covered. -Sources specific for LRTAP reporting were added. Now we have a basic Inventory Report for LRTAP which we update every year. Most of the information does not need annual updating.