Breakfast Why breakfast is essential to everyday health and physical activity
The Most Important Meal of the Day Overnight, your body has gone 8-12 hours without food Your body needs to be refueled to give you energy all day long Your brain uses energy from food and needs a boost in the morning!
Eating a Healthy Breakfast Provides energy to be alert and physically active Helps to concentrate in school and perform better on tests and assignments
Eating a Healthy Breakfast Contributes to healthy eating habits Helps maintain a healthy weight Decreases symptoms of hunger (headache, fatigue, irritability)
Balanced Breakfast? Includes foods from at least 3 of the 4 food groups from Canada’s Food Guide.
The 4 Food Groups: Vegetables and Fruit: –Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables –100% juice –Canned fruit in juice –Vegetable soup –Salads –Unsweetened fruit sauces
The 4 Food Groups (cont’d) Grain Products –Bread and buns (whole wheat, rye, pumpernickel) –Pancakes, waffles –Whole grain muffins –Hot or cold cereal –Rice, couscous –Pasta –Pita bread, tortilla wraps
Meat & Alternatives –Beef, turkey, chicken, pork –Tuna, salmon –Eggs –Beans, chickpeas –Tofu –Nuts & seeds –Peanut butter The 4 Food Groups (cont’d)
Milk & Alternatives –Milk –Fortified soy beverage –Yogurt –Cheese
Remember……… Food Guide servings can add up quickly in a day and we should eat according to our appetite! It’s ok to have more than one food guide serving on your plate
How do you feel... After eating a “balanced breakfast”? After not eating breakfast at all?
Tips for Breakfast Success Breakfast Success Tips
No time? Set out breakfast foods before bed so they will be readily available in the morning “Grab-n-Go” Breakfasts: –Whole grain cereal bars, fruit newtons, cheese strings, mini muffins, fresh fruit, yogurt, milk cartons, 100% juice
“I’m not hungry in the morning” Eat breakfast or a healthy snack as soon as you feel you can Tips: –Avoid greasy foods like sausage and fried eggs. Instead try toast, fruit and milk –Drink your breakfast! Smoothies are a great option and add another food group to go –Grab a piece of fruit add cheese and whole grain crackers and your good to go!
Resources Middlesex-London Health Unit Canada’s Food Guide aliment/index-eng.php