Welcome to Open House 2012! Mrs. Lavelle’s Class Grade 6
Important Things to Remember Cell phones are not allowed in the classroom. If students have cell phones, phones are to remain turned off in their lockers (Please refer to WSS Handbook). Students should adhere to the WSS dress code. A few items from the dress code that are not allowed are flip flops, spaghetti straps, and short shorts/skirts. Also, jackets are not allowed in the classroom. Please check your child’s red folder for important forms that need to be returned in a timely manner.
WSS Anti-Bullying Policy Physical or verbal threats that happen on a repeated basis towards a target student are considered bullying. Students are encouraged to stand up for one another if they witness a classmate being bullied. Students are encouraged to tell an adult at school and an adult at home if they are being bullied or if they witness someone else being bullied.
Math- Mrs. Lavelle Common Core Standards Teacher-selected math books with supplemental materials Common Formative unit assessments (CFAs) modeled after the NYS test Part 1: Multiple Choice Part 2: Short Answer and Written Response Final Exam
6th Grade Math Curriculum The Number System Decimals Fractions Ratios and Proportional Relationships Percents and Measurement Conversions Expressions Equations Inequalities Area, Volume, and Surface Area with Nets Statistics
Components of Reading- Mrs. Olear Guided Reading: Weekly Comprehension Skills Strategy instruction to implement skills Differentiated Instructional Levels Small Group Application Shared Reading: Core novels, Read-alouds (Teacher discretion), Nonfiction SSR/D.E.A.R. (Silent Sustained Reading) Student driven selections
Components of Writing- Mrs. Olear Modeled Instruction Use of Picture books and various writing genres. Direct Modeling (teacher discretion) Conferencing Peer conferencing Teacher conferencing Word Study/Spelling/ Grammar Application of Word Study to our writing (Taught by homeroom teacher)
6th Grade Science- Mrs. Lavelle Organisms Ecology Astronomy Chemistry Weather Earth Science
6th Grade Health Health is taught as a separate course at William Street (Mrs. DiMarco is the Health teacher) Students have Health 3 times a week for one half of the year (Students have Art 3 times a week the other half of the year)
6th Grade Social Studies- Mrs. Olear Ancient Civilizations Mesopotamia Egypt India China Greece Rome Arabia Time Periods Early Man- Stone Age The Middle Ages Renaissance Reformation World Religions Judaism Christianity Hinduism Buddhism Islam
6th Grade Social Studies- Mrs. Olear What You Can Look Forward To… Study Guide Textbook Videos Hands-on activities Dramatic Role- play Visuals Web hunts Review Games
Homework Policy Homework will be assigned to reinforce classroom instruction Homework is due the next school day unless otherwise noted Homework will be posted on a daily basis in the classroom and on our classroom websites Homework that is incomplete or missing will need to be completed by the next day If a homework is incomplete/missing, a blue sheet will be sent home to notify the parent(s)/guardian and will need to be returned the next day with parent/guardian signature Homework is not graded, but completion of homework will be included in a student’s quarterly grades
Grading/Testing Procedures Students’ grades will be comprised of assignments, quizzes, tests, and homework participation Tests are given for every unit and are weighted more heavily in student averages Students will be informed in a timely manner about quiz/test dates Parent Portal/ eSchool This year, parents will have access to grades on eSchool (through Parent Portal). Grades will be posted on eSchool in a timely manner. The due date you see is not the actual day that was attached to the assignment/quiz/test. It is a default date the computer uses when teachers enter data. If you have problems with the Parent Portal, please call the main office.
Classroom Behavior Policy Student behavior, preparedness, and homework completion are monitored on a weekly basis. Our team uses a checklist to keep track of student infractions. Students will lose Friday free time according to how many infractions they incur throughout the week. Discipline and behavior issues are initially handled by the classroom teacher. If need be, issues regarding students will be handled by school administrators. The school has a discipline documentation procedure in place. Documentation will be placed in student files and sent home to parents.
Birthdays and Holidays Students are allowed to bring in a birthday treat to be passed out during their lunch. Birthday treats should not require any cutting,scooping, etc. (no beverages please). We do not have holiday parties. However, students are allowed to bring in a treat to pass out to the class on days of/before holidays.
Important Dates to Remember Parent conferences are Thursday, November 29 th and Friday, November 30 th NYS ELA Exams will be given April 16 th - April 18 th NYS Math Exams will be given April 24 th - April 26 th
Closing Thoughts Please refer to the WSS Handbook for other information not mentioned tonight A copy of this PowerPoint will be available on my classroom website Please sign up for parent-teacher conferences if you haven’t already done so