Groupwork; The Kenya Chapter Agenda; Gender mainstreaming in the management of water resources.
What you need to know Broad Action StepsPossible Strategies Political Context; Policy making is left for the GoK under the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in collaboration with MOA, MoGSSC. Policy makers are seeking ideas from all stakeholders especially on the water sector reforms. The process has involved collection of input on the sector reforms from the various stakeholders thro consultations, research, networking/ collaboration …… Identify the key gaps Develop an action plan with all stakeholders Organize a public debate in gender mainstreaming in the water sector. Establish strategic networks to harness synergies Bring the local administration on board Target the media Raise awareness. Capacity build key actors in the government, media. Lobby and advocate through print and electronic media Mobilization and sensitization Evidence; What research has been conducted by other countries/ Good practice on gender from other countries National Surveys conducted from within Consultative dialogues from the communities Document the evidence. Develop a resource center Awareness and sensitization on the process through print and electronic media.
What you need to knowBroad Action StepsPossible Strategies Links; MOA MOH MoGCSS WRMA Water Service Providers Water Services Board Donors Consumers Industies Research Institutions The Stakeholders have established strong networks. Networking and Collaboration with the policy makers and key stakeholders,, do,, Close follow ups on how gender is mainstreamed Monitoring and Evaluation ( Establishing how many women, girl-child and youth participation in effective management of water resources) External Influences WSP- World Bank UNHABITAT, UNDP, DFID Donors They provide resources for establishment and advocacy with a high influence. Water being a cross cutting issue in the achievement of the MDGs, it is highly prioritized Gender mainstreaming remains a focal point to most development partners.,, do,, Establish a database of the potential donors, key actors and their priorities. Regular updates to the stakeholders on policy changes