Hinduism and Buddhism Chapter 3 Section 2
The Beliefs of Hinduism Develop No single founder and no single sacred text Many gods and goddesses and practices Siva, god of destruction
Basic Hindu Beliefs One force underlies everything Brahma Sacred texts reveal Hindu Beliefs The Vedas Achieving Moksha is the Goal of Life This is union with Brahma To achieve must free yourself from selfish desires Brahma
Karma and Dharma Karma = all actions of a persons life that affect his or her fate in the next life Reincarnation- Different classes Dharma = the religious and moral duties of an individual Pacifist
The Caste System Shapes India Castes are social groups into which people are born and which can rarely be changed. Caste system guided everything Strive for better class in next life Preserved social order
Key Teachings of Buddha Arose in the 6th Century B.C. Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha or “Enlightened One”
From Boy to Buddha Born a prince and spoiled and sheltered Doesn’t witness suffering and death until age 29 Meditated under at tree until he understood the mystery of life
The Four Noble Truths All life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow The cause of suffering is non-virtue, or negative deeds and mindsets such as hatred and desire The only cure for suffering is to overcome non-virtue The way to overcome non-virtue is to follow the eightfold path
Eightfold Path Right views Right aspirations Right speech Right conduct Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right contemplation
Nirvana Nirvana is the ultimate reality, the end of the self and a reunion with the Great World Soul No worshiping of Siddhartha or his image Often viewed as philosophy not a religion.
Buddhism Spreads Beyond India The Tripitaka, collection of Buddha’s teachings Buddhism spreads to much of Asia, is little practiced in India today Hinduism absorbed Buddhist beliefs and Buddha
Buddhism Spreads and Divides: Two Major Sects Theravada Closely follows Buddha’s original teachings Only monks and nuns could reach Nirvana Mahayana Made for ordinary people Describes and afterlife with many heavens and hells
Compare and Contrast Poster Create a poster that compares and contrast Hinduism and Buddhism Include when they began How they began Their beliefs and practices Locations Changes to the religions Any other important information that you feel should be shared Include a picture with caption to go with each religion
Poster Categories: Who (founder) When (timeframe) Where (geography/map) Belief system and structure Religious Practices Other important information
Compare and Contrast Poster Hinduism Ultimate goal: Moksha, union with Brahman. Originated with the Aryans Buddhism Founded by Siddharta Gautama Ultimate goal: Nirvana, union with the universe. Nirvana: For the Buddhists the final goal is Nirvana, which is a union with the universe, and a release from the cycle of rebirth. Similarities Karma Dharma Reincarnation