What’s Your Character? What’s Your Character? What's Your Character? What’s Your Character?
A character is… …somebody in a book, play, or movie. Character is also… …the set of qualities that make somebody distinctive (especially qualities of mind or feeling). (from
This week’s character trait is Empathy Definition: The ability to feel another person’s emotions as your own (from Webster’s School Dictionary, 1986) How do you treat people when you understand how they feel? (Pair & Share) Think of a time when you were empathetic to someone else’s feelings.
Do you have empathy??? Take a look at “Don’t Laugh at Me” by Mark Willis. Do you “see yourself” in this video?
The facts about bullying… U.S. public school students (12-18 yrs.) reported that 32.0% were bullied at school (2009). Let’s break it down! 21% were made fun of, called names, or insulted. 18.3% were the subject of rumors. 11.4% were pushed, shoved, tripped, spit on. 6.2% were threatened with harm. Every number was higher in middle school!!!! (Some were doubled!) (U.S. Dept. of Ed. Institution of Ed. Sciences
Using what you have learned about empathy and yourself, create a product that celebrates our diversity and discourages bullying. Ideas: t-shirt design, poster/flyer/sign, bumper sticker video/commercial, song or rap, button, hat design Your Challenge:
Be a GRIZZLY HERO! The next time someone is being bullied, you have the power. Will you laugh at them, or show your empathy and TAKE A STAND, LEND A HAND?