Campus Crusade For Christ Global Religion Survey Topline Report Prepared by: Infosurv, Inc. November 1, 2013
Survey Methodology Respondent Qualifications: – Demographics: Age – Sought to get representation from 21 countries on 6 continents; respondents from small, medium, and large villages or towns; and both male and female responses. This report focuses on three key measures: – Awareness of Jesus Christ, determined from the percentage of total respondents who identify Jesus Christ from a list including other religious figures – Of those who are aware of Jesus Christ, the percentage who know a true follower* of Jesus Christ. – Of those who know someone who tells others about Jesus Christ, the percentage of respondents who identify as a follower of Jesus Christ Total Sample size – 941 – Respondents who are aware of Jesus Christ: 876 – Respondents who know someone who tells others about Jesus Christ: * A “true follower” of Jesus Christ answers “yes” to four key questions. See appendix for further details about this label.
Response Weighting Due to a relatively small sample of respondents from each of the countries surveyed, the demographic profile of respondents does not match the worldwide population exactly. Therefore, the results in this report have been weighted for gender and continent population to better reflect the worldwide. These demographic statistics are shown in the table below: Attempts were made to also weight for education level and age. However, due to the limited nature of available sample for some groups (specifically, Asian and African respondents with lower education levels), these weights resulted in biased data Category Unweighted Sample % Weighted Sample % Worldwide %* Gender Female42%49.3%49.6% Male58%50.7%50.4% Continent North America17%6.5% South America16%8.4% Europe18%10.4% Asia16%59.3%59.2% Africa16%15.0% Australia16%0.5% * “Worldwide %” is calculated from actual data from the 21 countries that were surveyed for this study, not the actual Worldwide percentage.
Awareness & Followership By Continent - 4 -
Awareness of Jesus Christ is lowest in Africa and Asia * Percentages represent respondents who select the answer choice “Jesus Christ” to the question “Of which of the following have you ever heard.” Base: 941 respondents
People in Europe are least likely to know a true follower of Jesus Christ * Respondents who know a “True Follower of Jesus Christ” answer “Yes” to each of four key questions; see the next slide for these questions. Base: 941 respondents
Though Europe has the lowest percentage of “true followers”, respondents in Australia are by far least likely to know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses – By Region GLOBAL North America South America EuropeAsiaAfricaAustralia Do you know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ? 77%80%88%81%74%77%66% Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 70%65%72%63%71%74%60% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 69%62%71%59%70%72%59% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 56%51%62%43%56%62%44% Base: 941 respondents
People from all continents are least likely to perceive the person who talks about Jesus as having their life changed. Responses to the other two questions are relatively similar Base: 498 respondents who know someone who talks about Jesus, but do not consider them a true follower. Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses – By Continent GLOBAL North America South America EuropeAsiaAfricaAustralia Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 39%35%40%47%38%36%30% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 36%30%38%42%36%33%29% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 10%9%19% 7% 2%
Fewer people in Australia, Asia, and Europe consider themselves to be followers of Jesus Christ Base: 737 respondents who know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ
Awareness & Followership By Population of Town or Village
Awareness of Jesus Christ is relatively steady across all population sizes * Percentages represent respondents who select the answer choice “Jesus Christ” to the question “Of which of the following have you ever heard.” Base: 941 respondents
People in areas with the smallest population are least likely to know a true follower of Jesus * Respondents who know a “True Follower of Jesus Christ” answer “Yes” to each of four key questions; see the next slide for these questions. Base: 941 respondents
People in small population areas are especially unlikely to feel that the person they know has had their life changed because of Jesus Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses – By Population GLOBAL100, ,000 – 99,999 Fewer than 10,000 Do you know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ? 77%81%70%75% Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 70%73%65%68% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 69%72%63%67% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 56%58%52%45% Base: 941 respondents
Despite knowing fewer true followers, people in low population areas are more likely than those in largest areas to consider themselves followers of Jesus Base: 737 respondents who know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ
Awareness & Followership By Age
Awareness of Jesus Christ is higher among older age groups * Percentages represent respondents who select the answer choice “Jesus Christ” to the question “Of which of the following have you ever heard.” Base: 941 respondents
People between 30 and 49 have the highest level of awareness of true followers of Jesus Christ * Respondents who know a “True Follower of Jesus Christ” answer “Yes” to each of four key questions; see the next slide for these questions. Base: 941 respondents
The percentage of people whose lives appear changed because of Jesus are lower than other criteria Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses – By Age GLOBAL Do you know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ? 77%67%70%82%84%79%95% Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 70%61%64%75%78%63%77% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 69%63%61%77%73%61%75% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 56%42%51%61%66%43%58% Base: 941 respondents
People between 20 and 39 are most likely to identify themselves as true followers of Jesus Base: 737 respondents who know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ
Awareness & Followership By Gender
Awareness of Jesus Christ is almost identical in both genders * Percentages represent respondents who select the answer choice “Jesus Christ” to the question “Of which of the following have you ever heard.” Base: 941 respondents
About half of people of both genders know a true follower of Jesus Christ * Respondents who know a “True Follower of Jesus Christ” answer “Yes” to each of four key questions; see the next slide for these questions. Base: 941 respondents
Answers to all four key questions are similar between genders Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses – By Gender GLOBALFemaleMale Do you know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ? 77%73%81% Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 70%66%74% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 69%64%73% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 56% Base: 941 respondents
Though awareness and perceptions of others are almost identical for both genders, males are less likely to identify themselves as followers of Jesus Base: 737 respondents who know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ
Awareness & Followership By Religious Affiliation
Awareness of Jesus among Atheists and Agnostics is similar to awareness among Christian groups. However, awareness of Jesus in other religions is lower * Percentages represent respondents who select the answer choice “Jesus Christ” to the question “Of which of the following have you ever heard.” Base: 941 respondents
Protestants and Non-Denominational Christians are most likely to know a follower of Jesus * Respondents who know a “True Follower of Jesus Christ” answer “Yes” to each of four key questions; see the next slide for these questions. Base: 941 respondents
Non-Christian groups answer all questions less favorably than Christian groups Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses – By Region GLOBAL Atheist/ Agnostic Non- Denom. CatholicProtestantAll Other Do you know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ? 77%79%88%92%97%63% Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 70%68%84% 93%56% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 69%66%82%83%92%57% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 56%45%75%68%83%44% Base: 941 respondents
A few respondents who identify as members of other religions also indicate they are followers of Jesus Christ Base: 737 respondents who know someone who tells other people about Jesus Christ
Appendix: Respondent Characteristics
When people hear about Jesus from the media, they are less likely to perceive that person as showing compassion or having their life changed. When they hear about Jesus from a co-worker, they are less likely to feel that person loves and obeys Jesus * “This person” refers to the person who talks to others about Jesus Christ. Base: 737 respondents who know someone who tells others about Jesus Christ. Key Questions Percentage of “Yes” responses Family/ Relative ClassmateCo-workerFriend Media/ News Other Does this person show compassion and love towards other people? 92%87% 96%62%94% Does this person appear to love Jesus and obey Jesus? 90%92%71%96%83%78% Does the life of this person appear to be different because of Jesus? 81%70%73% 45%59%
Gender & Age * Only 8 respondents (<1%) indicate they are age Therefore, the top two age groups (60-69 and 70-79) were combined for this report.
Continent & Population
Religious Affiliation
Family Status
We sincerely hope that this report provides value to Campus Crusade for Christ as it works to monitor and improve religious awareness. If you would like some more information about any of the topics discussed above, please feel free to contact us at any time. Thank you for using Infosurv, and we look forward to working with you again soon. Thank You! Jerry GrimesBrian Jones Project ManagerResearch Analyst Infosurv, Inc (toll-free) (toll free) 37