AGENDA Call to Order Key Club Pledge Old Business New Business Adjournment
CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
OLD BUSINESS T-Shirt design was sent to Hubble! We are awaiting the proof Please confirm your t-shirt size with Mr. Culbert! Halloween Happening was a success Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed candy Did you bring candy? Make sure you signed the sheet!
OLD BUSINESS Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF boxes are due on NOVEMBER 6! Thanks to the following members who have already turned in boxes: Rusty Hartman – 86 doses of vaccine! Lam Nguyen – 24 doses Maddie Stephens – 14 doses Landon Work – 12 doses We still have 294 doses to go until we reach our goal!!
NEW BUSINESS Weekly Key Clean Up sessions will start Friday during Activity Period (weather permitting – listen to announcements!) Save the Date: Blanket Social will be held on Dec. 14. More info to come! Recycling will be on Friday (due to Pep Rally tomorrow) Aaron’s November Project! Details to come
ADJOURNMENT Remember: Key Clean Up Friday during Activity Period Recycling Friday! Ronald McDonald House – 3rd Tuesday of every month Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF Shirts will be here soon! DOOR PRIZE!! Meeting adjourned!