W ELCOME TO K EY C LUB ! 9/15/2011
O FFICERS Our officers for the are: President- Ann Kim Vice President- Tasnim Khan Treasurer- Trevor Perry Secretary- Becky Raines Historian- Sally Jung and Polly Usman Senior Rep- Kevin Paik Junior Rep- Sarah Kashin Freshmen Rep and Sophomore Rep positions are available
M EETING TIMES Our meetings are held every 3 rd Thursday of the month at 7:40, usually in Rm 2310! Our next upcoming meetings are: October 20 November 17 December 15 January 19 February 16 March 15 April 19 May 17.
C OMMUNICATION We have an Angel group for Key Club! Change the setting on your angel account so that s sent to your angel account will be forwarded to your There is a Facebook group- Lambert Key Club- so ask to join!!
S UNRISE S ENIOR L IVING This is a volunteer activity that we are continuing from last year. Sunrise visits will be every third Thursday of the month with a couple exceptions. We will announce when the visits are as we get closer. Also, we are looking to make a Sunrise Committee- if you are interested, talk to Ann after the meeting!
S ERVICE P ROJECTS We will attempt to have a service project each month in addition to the Kiwanis events, so try to come! There will be a calendar posted to either angel or the key club website( Lambert clubs/activities) with all the dates and activities soon, so please go look! Trick-or-Treat for Unicef in October Operation Christmas Child in November/December Adopt a Family for December Kiss a Senior Goodbye March-May Etc.
K IWANIS A CTIVITY September 24 th - Kids Fishing Event located below Buford Dam- Kiwanis need volunteers to help with food and parking There are 2 shifts: 9-11am and 11-1pm Sign up with Becky Raines after the meeting
T-SHIRTS! Do you see the shirts our officers are wearing?? We would like a new t-shirt for this school year, so submit your ideas~! Thanks to Beni Kozen for T-shirt design
R EGISTRATION ! Please return your registration form and dues to Mrs. Raines, Rm by September 23 rd
K EY C LUB L INKS Key Club homepage Key Club Angel Group Facebook: Lambert Key Club