2 nd GSO Meeting October 12 th, 2011
Congratulations First Year Reps! Kim Hawkins Jeff DeGuzman They will be hosting the FAU tailgate later this semester They will also be hosting The Gelato Company Fundraiser
The Gelato Company Fundraiser October 27 th 6-8 pm or 8-10 pm 20% total sales (minus sales tax) Previous years raised $ We need minimum of 20 people eating dinner and gelato Located 11 S.E. 1st. Ave Downtown Gainesville
GSC Meetings – Concentration Reps Next Meeting Thursday: 6:30 Little Hall, room 109 Check website for meeting days and times
Gators March for Babies Gators March for Babies 2011 will be held on Sunday, November 20th, at Turlington Plaza. The 3-mile walk kick-off will be at 2 pm. Visit to register. Click “Register.” Click “I have never registered online and I want to join a team that has previously participated in Gators March for Babies.” Search for Team “IDP.” Fill out the requested info and click “register.” Registration is FREE Registration does not obligate you to walk or participate, so there is no reason not to register There will be lots of free food at the event for registered walkers. All officers and concentration reps should register ASAP (lead by example!) Thank you to Debapriya Dutta, Shweta Kailsan, and Kim Van Vliet for already registering!!! Goal: Everyone send at least 3 s seeking donations Fundraising online is EASY! Send an to any friend, family member, doctor, dentist, professor, etc. Get creative with who you contact (maybe a local business) Include our team web page in your Facebook status: Every $1 makes a difference!!!
Social Chair Halloween Party – Friday Oct. 28 th at 1729 NW 8 th Ave Food and drinks provided Costumes required (contest) “Team Building” – Bowling Alley Katz, sometime in December Camping Trip Sometime in Spring Keep up with Happy Hours and Tailgates
IDP Advisory Board Update Mark Cunningham, Kevin Strehler, and Matt Watts (IDP Representatives)
IDP Happenings The IDP handbook is updated and online on the Students Page in the IDP website Students be on the look out for the T-shirt design contest The IDP admission process is going completely paperless IDP has a new program assistant in the office- Susan Gardner
Student Reminders 1 st year Students- The first rotation ends on Oct. 21 st. Please be sure to turn in rotation papers to the concentration journal club that you will be attending the week of the 21 st 2 nd rotation ends Dec. 9 th 1 st year students- Please remember to attend concentration journal clubs 2 nd year students- need to have their committees formed by the end of the falls semester ( this year) (Please check with your department for more details about this process) 3 rd year students -need to schedule qualifying exams by Nov. 1 st (Please check with your department for more details about this process) (Please check with your department and concentration for more details….some concentration requires one meeting per semester) 3 rd year students and beyond- committee meetings should be frequent and you must have at least 2 meeting per year. (Please check with your department and concentration for more details….some concentration requires one meeting per semester)
Do You Know????? The office of Research Affairs and Educational Affairs funds the career development seminar series and gives students $300 for travel to attend a conference in which they are a presenter. However, faculty members that contribute at least 1% of center IDC returns to the IDP, their students will receive $1,000 for travel per year if they are the presenting author and $300 if they are the a non-presenting co-author.