Rio Vista Park: GPS Inventory & Land Management Brian SingerJohn Elkins Amy CogdillChris Rollins
Introduction Central Texas Geospatial Consulting is working with the City of San Marcos to create an inventory of Rio Vista park features Further research will be done to solve the issue of impervious coverage in the park Impervious Cover - “concrete or asphalt, they can be roofs or parking lots, but they all have at least one thing in common – water runs off of them, not through them” (Frazer 2005) Potential Harm – “Impervious surfaces collect automobile contaminants, phosphates from residential and agricultural fertilizers, and dozens of other pollutants” (Frazer 2005) 2/25/20152CTGC
Scope 2/25/20153CTGC
Purpose The City of San Marcos needs a digital inventory of their parks and green spaces Construct a user-friendly inventory of park and green space features Provide suggestions to eliminate some of the negative outcomes from the impervious coverage around the park Helping the ecosystem of the river 2/25/20154CTGC
Minimize & Mitigate Porous Concrete/Asphalt Mulch Crushed rock Transformation of impervious cover Vegetation and rainwater collection 2/25/20155CTGC
Data Most of the data for this assignment will be collected in situ by CTGC, using a Trimble GeoXT GPS unit Park boundaries, river boundaries, GPS monuments for reference and the City’s own Land Development Code can all be downloaded from the City’s page Central Area Council of Governments, USGS and Ebsco 2/25/20156CTGC
Software Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word ArcMAP, Pathfinder, ERDAS Imagine and ArcGIS Online 2/25/20157CTGC
Timeline Phase I Data Collection Six Weeks Phase II Data Processing and Analysis Four Weeks Phase III Editing, Revision, Document Production Two Weeks 2/25/20158CTGC
Methodology Collect initial data from client and other sources Compile list of known features Collaborate with other City of San Marcos group Add feature list to database Test collection of single feature class, points, lines, polygons Revise database, adding and subtracting features Finish feature collection Merge our data dictionary with other group Begin analysis for the mitigation of impervious cover Measure existing impervious cover Investigate the spatial attributes of existing IC Research different options for mitigating IC Propose changes to IC, and model with maps 2/25/20159CTGC
Methodology Begin post processing of the data with emphasis on making the database as user friendly as possible Transfer GPS data into database Finally, assemble the following deliverables: amenity geodatabase, map of the park with feature classes, report and visual model of proposed changes to the IC 2/25/201510CTGC
Budget Services/ SalariesSupplies, Equipment, and Overhead Project ManagerArcGIS subscription: $600 $4500 for 20 days workTrimble GPS rental: $3750 Web Master/ ResearcherWorkstation rental: $7500 $4300 for 20 days workOffice supplies: $500 GIS TechnicianInsurance: $5000 $4300 for 20 days workTransportation: $1000 Researcher/ Editor $4300 for 20 days work Salaries Subtotal: $17,400Equipment Subtotal: $17,850 Total Budget: $35,250 2/25/201511CTGC
Conclusion Central Texas Geospatial Consulting will provide the City of San Marcos with: User friendly model Visual representation of the parks with the newly collected data Provide a visual representation of the proposed changes to the imperious coverage 2/25/201512CTGC
References Frazer, Lance. "Paving Paradise: The Peril of Impervious Surfaces." Environmental Health Perspective. 11 July Web. 12 Feb B. Corrozi, Martha, Gerald Kauffman, and Kevin Vonck. "Impervious Cover." Guide to Natural Resource Based Planning. Newark and Lewes, Print. 2/25/201513CTGC