“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Lao Tsu
Basic Quality Concept Understanding and Implementing of Quality Control; QC Mind, QC Story, QC Method
Sharing Subjects The Meaning of Quality What is TQM and other related terms. Quality Control (QC) QC Mind, QC Story (Problem Solving), QC Tools Quality Assurance
The Importance of Quality Meet with the market demand Quality = Standard Checking and Control Maintaining Improvement Assurance Reduce Defect Company’s Goal: To gain good profit Company Image Increase effectiveness and efficiency Others
The Growth of TQM Quality Control Total Quality Control Productivity Control by Product First Generation Total Quality Control Second Generation Product Competitive Control by Process Total Quality Management Third Generation Good Image of Product Control by Management
TQM Concept Focus on Customer Continuous Improvement Total Participation TQM Activities
House of Total Quality Management Customer & Employee Satisfaction (QA) Strategy Basic Concept (QC) Vehicle Techniques Motivational Approach (Willingness) Intrinsic Technology (Capability) General Education /Political Stability
Things to be Concerned Commitment of Top Management Execute by all department and staff and coordination among department and staff. Works in several committed criteria beside the “Quality”; e.g. Cost, Delivery, Safety, Moral, etc.
TQM Related Terms Quality Control Quality Assurance QC Mind QC Problem Solving QC Tools/Method Quality Assurance
Definition of QC System that will make the product or service meet the the customer’s need/demand Sometime being called as Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Implementation of QC at the Company Wide can be called as Total Quality Control
QC Mind Base on Concept of Quality by Company Part of organization improvement, Company wide, Standardize capability, Base on the human capacity, etc. Using basic QC Concept Base on fact and using the QC Method/Tools Controlling Improvement (Kaizen) Assurance
Basic QC Concept Quality First Never sacrifice the quality Customer Oriented Product out become Market in Implement in the Company wide Process Control Managing result become Managing process
Basic QC Concept Use PDCA Cycle as a vehicle; For regular activities can be implemented CAPD Cycle. Function of CA = Corrective, Maintain, Improvement Focus on the Important Problem Management of Differences Eliminated deviant product and maintain performance
Basic QC Concept Managing source of problem Analyze the process, and related sources of problem Customers are the receiver of post production (Total Customer Satisfaction) Always provide Preventive Action Standardization
QC 7 Tools Tools/Method Function Pareto Diagram Find the major problem. Cause & Effect Diagram Determine all causes. Graphic Present data to be more understood Check Sheet To get complete data Scatter Diagram To see relation between variables Histogram To see distribution of data Control Chart To see the stability of data/production
Relation Between New 7 Q.C. Tools and Basic 7 Tools FACTS Data Numerical Data Verbal Data Define problem after collecting numerical data Define problem before collecting numerical data This shows how the N7 and the B7 complement each other in solving quality-related problems. Facts -> to Data! Do people provide data in numerical form or verbally? (How do you?) Information - This is the most IMPORTANT GOAL!!! Without the info, there will be no KNOWLEDGE gained which is required for achieving our goal! (Nayatini 4) The Basic Seven Tools The Seven New Tools Analytical approach Generate Ideas Formulate plans Organize Information Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)
Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Enhanced Capabilities Organize verbal data Generate ideas Improve planning Eliminate errors and omissions The N7 are used for promoting Total Quality. The goals for TQM are: Ensuring company fulfills obligations, Securing profits, Developing people (Nayatini 9) The N7 enhance the capabilities of every employee. It has a direct impact on developing the workforce. At the same time, the effectiveness and efficiency is greatly enhanced which results directly on the bottom-line. Explain problems intelligibly Secure full cooperation Persuade powerfully
Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Enhanced Keys to Organizational Reform Assess situations from various angles Clarify the desired situation Prioritize tasks effectively Proceed systematically The N7 will lead to Organizational Reform system-wide. These keys lead to a greater set of skills. The most important being, the ability to be proactive in anticipating future problems. (Nayatini 10) Anticipate future events Change proactively Get things right the first time
Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Five Objectives of Organizational Reform which will establish a Culture that: Identifies problems Gives importance to planning Stresses the importance of the process Prioritizes tasks Encourages everyone to think systematically The Organizational Reform establishes a system wide Culture that should result in stimulating people to think for themselves. This culture should result in a workforce that is constantly “Thinking TQM” and being “Creative with TQM”. (Nayatini 10)
Benefits of Incorporating New Seven Q.C. Tools Unstructured Problem [must be put into solvable form] Problem is mapped Problem becomes obvious to all Problem is in solvable form The Seven New Tools Thoughts are easily organized Things go well People understand problem Cooperation is obtained Countermeasures are on target Nub of problem is identified Problem can be clearly articulated Plans are easily laid Nothing is omitted The N7 are techniques for untangling the intricate relationships among the different variables of a problem. Using the N7 makes it easy to clarify the situation, establish a plan, and get to the root cause of the the problem. It also makes it easier to explain the situation and get “buy-in” with their cooperation. (Nayatini 6) Source: Nayatani, Y., The Seven New QC Tools (Tokyo, Japan, 3A Corporation, 1984)
New QC 7 Tools Tools/Method Function Relation Diagram To find relation among logically related fact Systematic Diagram Systematical approach to achieve target. Matrix Diagram Explain problem with multidimensional factors Affinity Diagram Rearrange the problem to find the important one. Arrow Diagram To see activities network and control the schedule PDPC Chart Set the each process to find the correct one. Data Analysis Matrix Arrange all data to be more understood
Keys to Successfully Using the New Q.C. 7 Tools Mental Attitudes - Keen awareness to the actual problem - Eagerness to solve problem - Be highly motivated for the challenge Four Specific Keys Understand the problem Select the right tool for the job Obtain appropriate verbal data Interpret analytical results For a TQM culture to exist and flourish, the most important factor to consider is mental attitude. This allows for complete awareness to the problem and an eagerness to solve it. The N7 Tools assist in developing the proper mental attitude. These tools will also motivate the group to meet the challenge. To use The N7 Tools skillfully, four specific keys and abilities need to be recognized. (Nayatini 117)
4 Specific Keys (1) Understand the problem Stage 1 - problem is unclear and not obvious what exact issue should be addressed Stage 2 - problem is obvious, but causes unknown explore causes and single out valid ones Stage 3 - problem and causes are known required action is unknown strategies and plan must be developed When solving a problem using the The N7 Tools it is essential to know which stage of the problem-solving process that you have reached. Which of the tools to use depends on the clarity of the problem. Also can the problem be identified, and if the causes are known and how to eliminate them. There are three stages to the solution of the of a problem. They are: Review each bullet point! (Nayatini 121)
4 Specific Keys (2) Selecting Right tool for the Job Stage 1 - Collect verbal information on events (Affinity Diagram) Stage 2 - Choose tool to identify causes (Relations Diagram / Matrix Diagram) Stage 3 - List strategies and activities (Tree Diagram / Relations Diagram) Plan actual activities (Arrow Diagram / PDPC Chart) Be sure to choose the right tool for the job! When you know which stage you have reached in the problem solving, the goal will become clear and the right tool will present itself. With a Stage 1 problem, collect verbal information and use an Affinity Diagram to structure it. You will be able to identify the problem. With a Stage 2 problem, choose a tool that will enable you to identify its causes. The Relations Diagram is appropriate when complex relationships exist among causes of a single result. The Matrix Diagram is effective when there are many problems or effects and can be related in row/column format. With a Stage 3 problem, some method is needed to list and plan the activities required to solve the problem. A Tree Diagram can develop key points or strategies to achieve an objective. After the activities for solving the problem are identified, a schedule can be devise for carrying them out. An Arrow Diagram should be used for this. The PDPC can be used to develop and modified for the plan. (Nayatini 124)
4 Specific Keys (3) Obtaining appropriate verbal data Three types of verbal data: - Facts; factual observations expressed in words - Opinions; factual information colored by opinion - Ideas; New concepts created by analyzing facts Group Discussions: - Ensures common understanding - All data should be without bias or distortion - Data should fit objective of the analysis When gathering the verbal data, it is best to use a group setting. It ensures total understanding from all participants. It is also important to distinguish the different types of verbal data. They are: Review each bullet! The goal for gathering verbal data by group discussion should include: (Nayatini 124)
4 Specific Keys (4) Interpreting Analytical Results Information must be obtained for accomplishing objectives from: - Completed diagrams; or - Process of completing diagrams Analyze actual information obtained: Prepare summarized report with findings, conclusions, and processes used Check if necessary data has been obtained, if not… Discover the cause and take appropriate action It is essential to obtain the correct information for accomplishing the objectives. When using the N7 Tools, never construct a diagram and leave it that way. Always make some type of record of the findings, conclusions drawn, and the exact process used for constructing the diagram. This is especially true with Affinity Diagrams and Relations Diagrams. Do not forget to check the results of analysis to ensure that you have actually obtained the data you need. If you have not, it is due to insufficient data or unskillful use of the N7 Tools. (Nayatini 126)
QC Story (Problem Solving) Create Theme of Problem Understanding the Existing Condition Set Up Activities Plan Analyze Causes Execution/Consideration and Testing Activities Result Confirmation (Checking Result) Standardizing Evaluation and Determine Next Theme.
Create Theme of Problem Look at the items that cause the problem. Compare with the ideal condition. Compare with the policy Look at the item that will have bad impact to other processes. Compare with the Specification Compare with the standard. Compare with the past condition. Compare with other place’s doing Find Problems Organize Evaluate Choose the “THEME of PROBLEM”
Existing Condition Understand the problem and set a target Good Target Prefer thins that have big impact than need more cost and effort to achieve it. Have a strong motivation. There is a possibility and opportunity. Can be checked Gaining trust from related people. Encourage group willingness and movement. Considering the upper level policies and relation with other department.
Activities Plan Activities List Time Frame Person In-charge Addition info such as: Target/Result, Requirement,etc
Analyze Causes Find as much as possible causes (5W1H, 3M Muda/Pemborosan, Mura/Tidak Teratur, Muri/Tidak Memungkinkan) Never refuse to take any input related to the causes. Organize causes into major topics (e.g. Man, Machine, Method, Material, Environment, Infra-Structure, etc.) Use a method Fish Bone, Tree, some of New QC 7 Tools.
Testing Causes Choose the most significant causes to be checked. Take data from several treatments for each causes. Record each improvement that came from treatment at each causes.
Result Confirmation Write down the improvement from the treatment and connect to the economical aspect. Check the final result from the treatment to make sure the improvement is significant.
Standardizing Create system that will maintain the improvement such as: Standard Operation Procedure Basic requirement Control Chart/Table Create control system that can be implemented.
Review & Find Next Theme Have to make a “serious” review to the: Result of improvement. Each step of Problem Solving. Improvement Process.
Quality Assurance Scope of Activities: Find the customer’s need. Create system for quality improvement in all stage of process; Development/design sales activities Provide evidence or facts as s support of above activities.
QA Activities Transition Reducing Defect Function and Performance Improvement Emphasis on the Reliability Emphasis on the Customer Satisfaction Emphasis on the Social Quality
Quality Policies …is the priority that focus on the approaches. Should be realistic and achievable. Must go through to planning stage. Can be differentiated between “Should do” and “Want to do”. It showing the employee’s understanding. Clearly notice the basic policies.