Microsoft’s Commitment to Privacy Principles and practices concerning government access to enterprise customer data April 2,
Trust and confidence 4/2/2014
Facts about government access to data To date, we have not been compelled to disclose customer data of any enterprise customers (in this case, those with more than 50 seats or users) in response to national security laws. To date, we have not been compelled to disclose customer data of any enterprise customers based outside the United States. For the second half of 2013, we received only three legal orders for data associated with use of our commercial services by our enterprise customers, seeking information about 15 accounts, all related to U.S. customers.
Taking action Working for a global legal framework on governmental surveillance and data access Publishing as much data as is permitted about volume, type, and impact of demands for customer data Expanding legal protections for customers by agreeing to contest orders and warrants on jurisdictional grounds where possible
Closing facts Microsoft publishes a Law Enforcement Requests Report every six months here that includes requests under national security lawshere Microsoft only discloses enterprise customer data required by a valid legal order
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