Floods Week 4
Questions for Homework & Discussion Would you live in a flood-prone area?) What level of risk from flooding is acceptable to you? How would you know if the flood risk was assessed accurately? What should be done to prepare for the hazard and prevent catastrophe? Would you live in a flood-prone area?) What level of risk from flooding is acceptable to you? How would you know if the flood risk was assessed accurately? What should be done to prepare for the hazard and prevent catastrophe?
Questions to consider What causes the flood hazard to vary? What is the impact of climate change on the flood hazard? The five concepts from Chapter 1 What are the types of flooding?
Causes of Flooding Heavy rainfall rate of rainfall exceeds infiltration capacity of soil Heavy rainfall rate of rainfall exceeds infiltration capacity of soil
Drainage Basin area contributing to river drainage density soil permeability relief area contributing to river drainage density soil permeability relief
Floodplain flat area next to a river area subject to flooding stores flood water flat area next to a river area subject to flooding stores flood water
Hazards Flooding Sedimentation Erosion Flooding Sedimentation Erosion Transportation disruption Disease Displacement Agricultural losses
Risk Zones Flooding: Presidential disaster declarations related to flooding Green: one declaration Yellow: two declarations Orange: three declarations Red: four or more
Forecasting Floods
Predicting Floods Measure rainfall Model runoff response Measure rainfall Model runoff response drainage basin characteristics channel characteristics past events
Response to Flood Hazard Flood control dams retention ponds levees channelization Flood control dams retention ponds levees channelization
Response to Flood Hazard Insurance: only through federal government Zoning Insurance: only through federal government Zoning
Human Impact Increases runoff pavement buildings drainage improvements Increases stage levees bridges channel alteration Increases runoff pavement buildings drainage improvements Increases stage levees bridges channel alteration