Research, Development, & Evaluation of Technology But first…
Work-arounds When you are doing something and you think it's the right thing, but it doesn't work, then instead of getting frustrated, you can see if there is an alternative way to do it
HTML tags & Dreamweaver views HTML tag: usually with a paired "end" tag Need to know when: –1) dealing with some new feature that isn't built into a web editor yet –2) when "debugging" by looking at the "page source" (for either fixing a problem or for figuring out how somebody else did something)
Example: tag Putting music, sound, or movies on your web page Take a look at Tera's Musicbox song pageTera's Musicbox song page
With technology, change is the only constant Moore’s Law: the number of transistors that can fit on a chip doubles every 18 months Exponential changes: cost of a given computation drops in half every 18 months
Need to predict change
How to predict the future? Extrapolation –The “same” extrapolation: the future will be like the past –Linear extrapolation: the change from last year to this will occur again between this year and next –More complex
The “pipeline” of development
Riding the “trailing edge” Technology in education organizations Technology in education conferences Technology in education journals
Organizations CUE: Computer Using Educators ISTE: International Society for Technology in EducationISTE: International Society for Technology in Education AACE: Association for the Advancement of Computing in EducationAACE: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education AERA: American Education Research AssociationAERA: American Education Research Association
Conferences CUE Conference (in Palm Spring, March 9- 11, 2006)CUE Conference NECC (in San Diego, July 4-7, 2006)NECC Ed-Media (in Orlando, June 26-July 1, 2006)Ed-Media
Journals Practitioner –Learning & Leading with Technology –T.H.E. Journal Research –Journal of Educational Computing Research –Journal of Research on Computing in Education See list at
“Vision” scenerios The MBARI scenerio Your 2020 visions: what should/will education be like in the year 2020 My vision
Before next class (Monday) Read the Levin & Miyake paperLevin & Miyake paper Look through the Memorable Troubleshooting stories at and submit at least one memorable troubleshooting story of your own.
The importance of stories in education Fables, fairy tales, parables, epic poems, legends, etc. Studies at Xerox PARC by Julian Orr and others: Xerox technician “war stories”
Functions of stories Conveyers of obscure but important information A “way in” to becoming a member of a community A way to establish expertise/status in the community
Memorable story framework CTER memorable stories: Troubleshooting memorable stories:
Next class meeting Monday, same time, same place
Break time! Monday snacks: Season & Ana Thanks for today’s snacks to Ruth & Lara