Resources that can not easily be replenished
Nonrenewable Resources fossil fuels gasoline natural gas coal oil poster.4teachers.org
Formation of metamorphic rocks are a result of? skywalker.cochise.edu
Composition of parent rock Heat & Pressure
Major geological events in the fossil record are used to mark what? me1.html
Eras learner.org
Igneous rocks that form under the Earth’s crust are called skywalker.cochise.edu
Intrusive igneous rocks
The layer of the Earth Marked with letter A A D C B ed101.bu.edu
Which layer marks the Earth’s crust? A D C B ed101.bu.edu
Letter D
The ideas that Earth’s surface is broken into plates that move.
Plate tectonics
The changing of the shape of Earth’s mountains are evidence of the process of?
Erosion and weathering by water glaciers and/or wind cms.fu-berlin.de
How are sedimentary rocks formed?. skywalker.cochise.edu
From sediments that are deposited and accumulate from weathering and erosion
The solid, rocky surface containing the continents and the ocean floor.
Crust kids-fun-science.com
Soil is comprised from these items?
weathered rock water air living things decayed plant and animals physicalgeography.net
What energy source that drives this system is missing from the picture? enchantedlearning.com
Solar energy inforse.org
Explain how it is possible to find Ancient remains of sea creatures or fossils high above sea level. blog.gurukpo.com
The motion of the Earth’s crust lifts the rock layers above the sea floor.
Which type of rock provides material for other types of rock? skywalker.cochise.edu
ALL THREE Igneous Metamorphic and Sedimentary
What evidence supports the idea of sea floor spreading?
The open ridge in the center of the ocean. Age and type of rocks surrounding this area. Studies of Earth’s magnetic field docstoc.com
What are some ways people use materials from the Earth’s crust?
Building materials; concrete Fuel; gas, oil Minerals; toothpaste
How might the Earth’s crust change in the future?
Plates will move positions New land will form Old land will be recycled
Plates that slide under another plate
Subduction geo.cornell.edu
The movement of plate away from each other
Divergent scarborough.k12.me.us
The building up of mountains is from plate boundaries that
converge cotf.edu
A key item needed for a compass to function
magnet a3bs.com
A compass works by helenotway.edublogs.org
Metal in the magnet reacts with the earths magnetic field outreach.phas.ubc.ca
The cause of the Earth’s magnetic field fourwinds10.net
Movement of the molten metal in the outer core
Name the process that occurs at each letter indicated in the water cycle enchantedlearning.com
The process of water infiltrating the ground?
Percolation cmex.ihmc.us