Time of Flight Analysis Progress on TOF Software Frank Geurts for the TOF group.


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Presentation transcript:

Time of Flight Analysis Progress on TOF Software Frank Geurts for the TOF group

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis2 outline  detectors & data sets  online software  offline software: TOF in StEvent  calibration status  embedding status

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis3 TOF detectors & data sets Au+Au20GeVp+pd+Aup+pAu+Au pVPD 2x2 1+11x1 TOFp XXXXXX TOFr -- XXX TPC pVPD east pVPD west Au d TOFx East-TPC TOFpTOFr x y where, when & what... AuAu central800k AuAu mbias210k AuAu 20GeV70k pp (run 2)5.1M dAu TOFrTrg2M dAu mbias6.6M pp (run 3)3M

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis4 TOF online software  in STAR online CVS -- tagged & bagged TOFY01  TOFpDAQ v1 for pVPD+TOFp  localmon for TOFpDAQ v1  HVSys monitoring software TOFY02  TOFpDAQ v2 for pVPD+TOFp+TOFr  localmon for v2  HVSys (unmodified)  TOFr HV  TOFr GasMon  usage: cvs co –r TOFY02 online/tof

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis5 TOF offline software  lots of code development for geometry, matching, calibration, etc. move to the public domain, i.e. include in STAR production  provide ToF PID in StTrackPidTraits and in STAR μDST move calibration tables into STAR dBase  set up embedding scheme

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis6 TOF in StEvent DAQ TOF Maker TOFp Match Maker TOF Ntuple Maker StEvent tofCollection tofData tofCell tofSlat tofHit trackNodes TOF DAQ reader TOF Match Ntuple TOFr Match Maker

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis7 recent modifications/additions  introduced StTofpMatchMaker based on StTofAnalysisMaker  already used for pVPD and TOFp calibrations  introduction of StTofrMatchMaker new approach for TOFr geometry  based on the GEANT description  required ROOT update review & CVS pending some final tests  changes to StEvent::tofCollection() modified StTofSlat and StTofHit added StTofCell  TOF analysis tools in StTofPool StTofpNtupleMaker two tracks crossing one slat one track crossing two slats both: track matching:

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis8 near future additions  TofCalibrator calibrates TOFp slat and TOFr cell data stores results in tofHit  TOF PID traits essentially identical to StTofHit  μDST pVPD info available in μDST (1-13 words/evt) TOF Hit Data in μDST tracks StEvent tofCollection tofData tofCell tofSlat tofHit trackNodes TOF Calibrator pVPD Calibrator pvpd

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis9 TOF calibrations TOFp AuAu TOFp dAu TOFr dAu Llope Ruan

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis10 TOF calibration status  TOF calibrations based on private match ntuples  pVPD finished for AuAu partially finished in dAu and pp (run 3) for TOFrTrg’ed events various event classes (from different degrees of coincidence)  impact on calibration  wide range of start timing resolutions in dAu work in progress for all event classes and dAu triggers  see Bill Llope’s talk in spectra PWG on Friday  TOFp finished for AuAu work in progress dAu TOFp calibr. macros ported to C++ objects for inclusion in STAR makers  work done by Siva Nagisetty, Rice  TOFr partially finished for dAu  TOFrTrg data sample  producing physics: see Lijuan Ruan’s talk tomorrow code and tables need to be ported to STAR production environment alternative calibration underway  pending new TOFrMatchMaker pVPD (start only) total TOFp total TOFr AuAu (central) dAu (85 * ) * pp~ start and total time resolutions in ps * ) TOFr PRL analysis

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis11 calibration: near future  StTofCalibrator ToF info for TPC tracks migration of calibration tables into STAR dBase  calibration scheme for upcoming run FastOffline: matchMakers  quick update of STAR dBase detailed calibration based on μDSTs

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis12 TOF embedding status  embed TOF hits after TPC embedding similar to EMC embedding (Alex S.) keep TOF geant data in geant.root  update StMcEvent introduce: McTofHitCollection, McTofHit change: StMcEvent, StMcTrack and StMcEventMaker committing to STAR CVS  1k proton test sample thanks to Eric  TOF Mixer Maker pending last tests ready to be committed  TOF association maker waiting for McEvent updates under construction doEvents TOF embedding TPC embedding vertex multp. DAQ sim geant.root TPC mixer tof maker TPC reco event.root TOF simulator TOF mixer TOF match TOF association TPC association

MSU -- Aug 13, 2003F. Geurts -- Time-Of-Flight Analysis13 Summary & Outlook  online software in STAR repository  TOF in STAR production move private code to public domain new Makers many updates to StEvent  Calibrations AuAu  pVPD & TOFp ready dAu  pVPD & TOFr for TOFrTrg  preliminary pVPD & TOFp calibration for full data set pp  pVPD & TOFr for TOFrTrg  TOF embedding EMC-based embedding scheme many updates in StMcEvent TOFp/r MixerMaker ready test data available  TOF PID in StEvent and μDST TOF PID traits for TPC tracks  Calibration pVPD/TOF calibration tables into STAR dBase pVPD Calibrator and TOF Calibrators fill StTofHit upcoming run: calibration in Fast Offline  TOF embedding finish work on TOF Associator request TPC embedding with special TOFp/TOFr tracks  GEANT geometry maintenance