Corporate Learning Course1 Cadet Programs Welcome
Corporate Learning Course2 Main Points Wing involvement in the cadet program Cadet Special Activities Miscellaneous How the cadet program benefits and interacts with CAP’s two other primary missions Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course3 Wing Involvement in the Cadet Program Encampment administration Cadet Flight Orientation program Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course4 Wing involvement in the cadet program Cadet competition and Color Guard competition –How the wing administers –Assistance to units wishing to participate Cadet Advisory Council –How administered –Level of participation Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course5 Wing involvement in the cadet program Uniform chit program Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course6 Cadet Special Activities Brief Overview –Wing –Region –National Current application procedures Input the wing has in the selection of cadets for national cadet activities Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course7 Miscellaneous CAP scholarships –Overview of categories –Application/selection Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course8 How cadet programs benefits and interacts with CAP’s two other primary missions Aerospace Education –Academic –Activities –Flight Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course9 How cadet programs benefits and interacts with CAP’s two other primary missions Emergency Services –Air operations –Ground operations –Communications –Administration Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course10 Summary Wing involvement in the Cadet Program Cadet Special Activities Miscellaneous How the Cadet Program benefits and interacts with CAP’s other primary missions Cadet Programs
Corporate Learning Course11 Cadet Programs Questions?