BSHC LIDAR Seminar Hannover May 2014 Finnish Transport Agency
Traffic and Information Table of contents 1. Why FTA interested in Bathymetric LIDAR? 2. Co-operation (national/international) 3. Previous operations in Finnsh waters 4. Special features of Finnish waters 5. Issues to be studied 6. FTA future plans
Traffic and Information 1. Why FTA interested in Bathymetric LIDAR? ●Possible alternative to survey shallow coastal waters and lakes (depths 0 to approximately max 10 m) ●Areas difficult or dangerous to survey using vessels ●Method to produce preliminary data for surveys done by vessels
Traffic and Information 2. Co-operation (national/international) ●To share experiences and knowledge (techical, commercial) ●International co-operation in LIDAR survey-operations (survey areas in different countries within the same survey campaign) ●National co-operation between organizations (e.g. flood analysis and protection, environmental agencies) ●At the same time possible to conduct topographic surveys ●Coast line determination using LIDAR data (bathy/topo) ●Wider finaincing possibilities if more stakeholders (e.g. EU- funding)
Traffic and Information 3. Previous operations in Finnish waters Bathymetry ●1999 (November) Åland sea (Finnish Maritime Administration) Survey area around 160 km 2, point density 5 x 5 m Secchi-depth around 3 – 7 m (dependent on weather and environmental circumstances!!) Resulted depths 3 – 15 m No full bottom coverage in depths 3 – 5 m Partly unsurveyed or no-data -> need for supplementary surveys with acoustic survey systems Other purposes ●2009 (continuing 20XX?) Bay of Bothnia (U.L.T.R.A. Utveckling av Lidar-baserad Terränganalys för Regional Användning, ” The development of utilization of Lidar based regional topography analysis”) ● Gulf of Finland (Kaunissaari, Pyhtää), ”GIFLOOD”: University of Turku and National Land Survey + other organizations lidar was only one small part project shallow waters US/Research__Development/Research_and_development_projects/Projects/Developing_mapping_and_modeling_approach es_as_a_part_of_flood_risk_management_business_GIFLOOD
Traffic and Information 4. Special features of Finnish waters ●Poor visibility (low Secchi depth) ●Very shallow coastal waters far out to the open sea ●Varying bottom topography ●Huge amount of boulders! (feature detection issue!) ●Varying coast line, tens of thousands of islands -> what is really the net productivity of survey (cost / benefit ratio might not be so good?!) ●Examples: Sipoonselkä, Extract chart 953, Chart 953, Chart 42 (Reposaari), Extract chart 42 (Reposaari), Lake OulujärviSipoonselkäExtract chart 953Chart 953Chart 42 (Reposaari)Extract chart 42 (Reposaari)Lake Oulujärvi
Traffic and Information 5. Issues to be studied ●Depth penetration capability vs. point density (high power vs. low power)? ●Point density vs. depth pentration capability (low power vs. high power)? ●Feature detection capability? (Will the shallowest point of a feature be recorded?) ●Footprint size ●Positioning accuracy ●Can full-bottom search be achieved? ●Bathy and topo lidar at the same flight ●Other sensors with the same flight Camera Multispectral sensors ●Is there existing ”thumb rules”: when LIDAR is feasible / might be feasible / not at all feasible
Traffic and Information 6. FTA future plans ●Pilot project? ●Operative production? ●Co-operation (national/international) ●Funding
Traffic and Information Thank You!