A Guide To Student Attendance & Truancy Prevention By Department of Student Engagement & Department of Federal/State Compliance
Truancy The unexcused absence from school of a child on 10 or more days or parts of days “skipping class” within a 6 month period The unexcused absence from school of a child on 3 or more days or parts of days “skipping class” within a 4 week period Missing School Is Against the Law!
Compulsory Attendance A child who is at least 6 years of age and has not yet reached his or her 18 th birthday must attend school
Types of Attendance Average Daily Attendance (ADA) at 9:45 am Instructional (Period) Attendance
ADA ADA is a snapshot of campus attendance Students present at the time the attendance snapshot is taken are counted present for funding purposes. Students who are on campus at the time attendance is taken but who are not in their assigned classroom are considered in attendance for ADA purposes provided they were with a responsible campus official (e.g., nurse, counselor, principal, etc.).
ADA Exemptions A student not actually on campus at the time attendance is taken may be considered in attendance for ADA purposes if the student- is attending an off campus dual credit program is on a district/school approved field trip is participating in a mentorship needed to complete the Distinguished Achievement Graduation Program is participating in the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment programs implemented by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission misses school for the purpose of observing religious holy days, including 1 day of travel to and 1 day of travel from misses school for purpose of sounding “Taps” at a funeral misses school for the purpose of attending a required court appearance, including 1 day of travel to and 1 day of travel from court site misses school for the purpose of serving as an election clerk misses school to appear at government office to complete paperwork in connection with the student’s application for US citizenship, including 1 day of travel to and 1 day of travel from government site. misses school for the purpose of taking part in a US naturalization oath ceremony, including 1 day of travel to and 1 day of travel from ceremony site is temporarily absent because of a documented appointment with a health care professional (the student must begin classes or return to school on the same day of the appointment) misses school for college visit
Instructional (Period) Attendance Gathered for individual instructional periods in middle schools and high schools The law permits filing on students for missing “parts of days” which can be defined as individual periods Instructional (period) attendance is also used in determining credit eligibility (earning of credits) for individual courses
Types of Absences Excused Absences Unexcused Absences
Excused Absences Excuse note must be submitted within 3 days of the last day of the absence. If the 3 days rule is not followed an absence may not be excused. Parental notes do not excuse absences, they provide a reason for an absence that school administrators can consider for excusing. Students are allowed to make up missed assignments for excused absences.
Examples of Excusable Absences Personal illness Illness or death in the family Weather making travel dangerous Participation in school activities Emergencies or any unusual circumstances Any cause acceptable to the principal Student referred to a juvenile court or any Texas Welfare Unit Related to disability Related to homelessness Related to harassment/bullying Victim of violent crime Related to public health emergency Related to Federal/State disaster area or evacuation zone
Tardiness/Early Departure Once a student is at school, his or her lack of arriving to scheduled classes on time is a behavioral issue and should be treated through disciplinary methods. No student is permitted to leave school during school hours without a justifiable excuse, in writing or by telephone, from his or her parent/guardian. An administrator must approve the excuse.
Suspensions All suspensions (in school and out of school) are excused and therefore students are allowed to make up missed assignements. A student assigned to In School Suspension is considered present for ADA. A student suspended out of school is not considered present for ADA.
Communication to Parents Regarding Absences Excused and Unexcused absences are reported to parents through report cards, including an asterisk when unexcused absences exceed 7% of class time scheduled for the semester Unexcused absences are reported to parents using ConnectEd Callout System Unexcused absences may be reported to parents using personal calls
Attendance Requirement for Award of Credit and Promotion A student who earns a passing grade of 70 or above but misses 7% or more of class meetings will not be awarded credit fro the course. An asterisk will appear on the student’s report card indicating that the credit will not be awarded.