Agassiz Elementary School
The Agassiz School Promise Our promise is to promote a culture of academic excellence, foster a safe, nurturing learning environment, and instill within each student a love of learning by identifying their positive distinctions, whether artistically, athletically or academically, thus empowering them to be responsible, contributing members of society.
Updates and Thank You… New Staff Science Lab Turf Field FOA Funds
Who Are We… Agassiz Total Enrollment: 508 Diverse Learners 115 students, 23% of current students have an identified special need Programs vary and are offered on continuum of service 46% LRE 1 28.7% LRE 2 25.2% LRE 3 English Learners 42 students, 8% of current students receive support Racial Demographic 26% African American 31% Hispanic 35% Caucasion 3% Asian 4.5% other
Data Review: Reading Attainment NWEA Grade% at or above average national percentile National school attainment percentile
Data Review: Math NWEA Grade% at or above average national percentile National school attainment percentile
Data Review: Reading Growth NWEA Grade% students making national average growth National school growth percentile All
Data Review: Math Growth NWEA Grade% students making national average growth National school growth percentile All
Data Review: Sub-Groups Growth Reading and Math Sub-GroupNational school growth percentile Diverse LearnersR: 80 M: 98 HispanicR: 99 M: 96 African American R: 95 M: 86
Data Review: My Voice My School/Attendance Attendance 95.7% overall attendance rate 92 students, 19% of student population showed chronic truancy Low Income population 44%
Where are We Going? Focus Area Goal Literacy Design vertically and common core aligned literacy units that are differentiated to improve student to student discourse, comprehension, and enable multiple formative assessments, such as writing in response to reading, with consistent evaluation standards. Math Develop a scope and sequence for K-8 math with common core aligned curricular units that allow for multiple formative assessments that will improve students math strategies, challenge each learner and develop students discourse and cognitive skills. Science Develop lab based common core aligned units to improve students’ ability to investigate, research and design experiments/projects, as well as engage in written and verbal discourse on a variety of science topics, including ethics. Arts Enhance student learning through the development of cross curricular units emphasizing arts in connection with language and culture, and providing focused instruction with consistent evaluation standards, that improve students’ fine and performing arts skills. Climate, Culture, and Social Emotional Learning Align expectations and ensure fidelity of implementation of existing SEL structures and programs while deepening knowledge and strengthening awareness of the connection between SEL and academic achievement to improve student social and emotional growth across the curriculum. Diverse Learners Increase opportunities for all students to access core curriculum in a differentiated way ensuring adequate growth and increased attainment for students at all levels in a general education setting where possible as well as in smaller, more specialized groups where needed.
Where We Are Going IB 3 year authorization process Study Groups for Staff Inquiry Learning: Diversity Agassiz Bulldog Buddies Attendance Stars In School Opportunities to Get Involved: Arts Programming Kiss and Go Book Check Out