Science Curriculum Guide Grades K-12 Marla Davis Holbrook Special Education Services Fall Leadership 2006
State Curriculum Guides Companion documents to the Alabama Course of Study Prepares students for grade level content standards through teaching prerequisite skills necessary for learning each content standard Helps teachers address the achievement gap between student performance and grade level expectations
State Curriculum Guides Reading Addendum –Reading Curriculum Guide Math Course of Study –Math Curriculum Guide Social Studies Course of Study –Social Studies Curriculum Guide Science Course of Study –Science Curriculum Guide
Characteristics of State Curriculum Guides Provide instruction toward grade-level standards contained in courses of study Beneficial for students working below grade level Skills continuum Scaffolded support
Uses for State Curriculum Guides Lesson planning BBSST IEP development Collaborative teaching Tutorials Planning for instructional grouping Parent conferences Development of curriculum-based assessments Preparation for state assessments
Science Curriculum Guide Contents Introduction Organization of Curriculum Guide How Teachers Can Effectively Use This Document Standards and Related Content Appendices Bibliography Glossary
Standards and Objectives Grades K-8 Grades K-5: Physical Science, Life Science, Earth and Space Science Grade 6: Earth and Space Science Grade 7: Life Science Grade 8: Physical Science Grades 9-12 Physical Science Biology Chemistry Physics Earth and Space Science Elective Environmental Science Elective Genetics Elective Human Anatomy and Physiology Elective
Appendices Appendix A –Alabama Occupational Diploma Science Course Requirements for High School Appendix B –Alabama High School Graduation Exam Standards and Objectives Appendix C –Reading Skills for Science Appendix D –Web Sites for Science Teachers and Students
Components of the Science Curriculum Guide Content standards –Contain minimum required content Instructional objectives –Divide standards into smaller foundational and prerequisite skills that lead to the standard Examples –Clarify certain content standards and bullets, and/or their components Bullets –Denote additional related content required for instruction.
Instructional Objectives Instructional objectives distinguish the curriculum guide from the course of study. S 7.7 Describe biotic and abiotic factors in the environment. Examples:biotic—plants, animals; abiotic—climate, water, soil Objective 7.7.1: Define biotic and abiotic. Objective 7.7.2: List examples of living things. Objective 7.7.3: List examples of nonliving things.
AOD Instructional Objectives Instructional objectives preceded by a diamond shape ( ) indicate content required for earning grades 9-12 course credit for the Alabama Occupational Diploma (AOD).
8.Identify the structure and function of DNA, RNA, and protein. ♦Objective B.8.1:Define DNA and RNA. ♦Objective B.8.2:Explain the roles of DNA and RNA in protein synthesis. ♦Objective B.8.3:List the nitrogen bases of DNA and RNA. Objective B.8.4:Match complementary nitrogen bases. Examples: DNA—adenine = thymine (A = T), cytosine = guanine (C = G); RNA—adenine = uracil (A = U), cytosine = guanine (C = G) AOD Instructional Objectives
Curriculum Guide Legend Grades K-8 Grade Level Content Standard # Objective # Objective : Identify head, arms, and legs as parts of the human body.
Curriculum Guide Legend Grades 9-12 Course Name Abbreviation Content Standard # Objective # Objective B : Distinguish between food chains and food webs.
Development of Knowledge and Skills Across Grade Levels (Content Standards) S 4.10 Describe components of our solar system. S 5.11 Compare distances from the sun to the planets in our solar system. S 6.10 Describe components of the universe and their relationships to each other, including stars, planets and their moons, solar systems, and galaxies.
Content Standard & Instructional Objectives S 7.4 Describe organisms in the six-kingdom classification system by their characteristics. –Objective 7.4.1: Define kingdom and classification system. –Objective 7.4.2: List the six kingdoms. –Objective 7.4.3: Identify the characteristics of each kingdom. –Objective 7.4.4: Match an organism to its corresponding kingdom. Example: paramecium to Protista kingdom
Science: Points to Consider Science instruction in grades K-5 is divided into three strands: Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth and Space Science. Science instruction in grades 6-8 is concentrated into one strand for each grade. The required core for grade 9 is Physical Science. The required core for grade 10 is Biology. Students may choose from a variety of electives in grades 11 & 12.
Science: Points to Consider The science standards from the Alabama Course of Study must be taught during the school year. Science will be assessed for state accountability in The science portion of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam will test only Biology standards beginning in Biology content standards are reviewed in the Science Curriculum Guide under the Genetics Elective.
Curriculum Guide to the Alabama Course of Study: Science Grades K-12 The guide can be accessed through the ALSDE website: – –Select Sections, scroll down to select Special Education –Click on Standards –Scroll down to select Curriculum Guide to the Alabama Course of Study: Science
Science Extended Standards for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities DaLee Chambers Special Education Services Fall Leadership 2006
What are Extended Content Standards? They are extensions of the state academic content standards for each grade level They are designed to allow students with significant cognitive disabilities to progress toward state standards while beginning at each student’s present level of performance
Extended Standards for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities There must be a clear link to the content standards for the grade in which the student is enrolled Grade-level content is reduced in complexity and/or modified to reflect pre-requisite skills
Science Extended Standards Task force convened Summer 2006 –Special Education Teachers –General Education Teachers –Parents –State Supported/State Operated Agency Representatives –Higher Education Representatives
Science Extended Standards Draft to be posted on the ALSDE Web Site Fall 2006.
Points to Consider All standards must be taught before they are tested Science extended standards will be tested on the AAA in the school year
Points to Consider Most grade levels have 2-3 standards Skills are vertically aligned across the grades High school extended standards link to Physical Science and Biology
Science Extended Standards Accessing the Extended Standards from the Web Site: – –Select Sections, scroll down to select Special Education –Click on Standards –Scroll down to select Extended Standards: Science (They will be posted in Fall 2006)